has any one else experienced this pain?


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2015
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hi all,

through the early hours of this morning I have been having this awful pain which I also had in Wednesday night.

the centre of the pain seems to be on my left side level with my belly button but I do feel it elsewhere ( nearly always left side though). It's really very sore like... I have to breathe through the pain, sometimes I find it hard to even move or I need to lean or position myself in funny ways.

I'm a ftm so on Wednesday genuinely thought it could be the start of something but what has thrown me is everyone saying ' you will know if its contractions'. My stomach is generally rock hard during the pain but the Thing is sometimes I suffer almost constant Braxton hicks anyway.

it can happen for hours at a time and i don't know whether to stick with it or phone someone to ask- don't want to ne a drama queen as i think i have a low pain threshold anyway.

well done for reading this far ( thanks!) does this sound familiar to anyone? I'm 38 weeks pregnant.
I think if the pain is that intense you should give someone a call xx
Hi I'm a ftm and if I was having pains as bad as your describing I would call someone. It's what they are they for and they won't mind u going into be checked out. Might just be pregnancy pain or labour or something else so better to be safe than sorry. X
Hiya I'd ring your MW and go get it checked out. It's better to go even if it's nothing. X
Thanks all, I eventually phoned triage as I couldn't get through to local midwife and i wanted to know in case it happens again during the night.

Basically they don't know what it is, it could possibly be muscular which kind of makes sense because when I'm not experiencing a flare up, I still get pain from yawning, or breathing sharply etc. Baby is moving OK though :)

I think they said to phone during a flare up and maybe go in to be assesssed but I'm not sure I was a bit confused. I'm getting niggles but I'm a bit reluctant to phone again, i feel like it's just my low pain threshold and I'll be there for hours causing hassle for nothing.
Sorry, by flare up I mean. .. when the pain intensifies. It seems to come for a few hours at a time and then ease off and I only get little bits of pain.
Oh ok. If it keeps happening I'd go in and see a mw x

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