Happy Accident?


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Sep 23, 2016
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My lmp began on 11/08/2016 I usually have a 28 day cycle but my period has still not arrived .... the only intercourse I had in the last 12 months was on 10/09/2016 ( please don't... I know!!) ...I kept feeling like my period was about to arrive but nothing yet and home test are showing negative.... I will book in with my doctor for bloods but before I do i just want to make sure I'm not testing too early and should probably wait a little longer? ....there is also the fact that there was only this one encounter and i just don't think it very likely that I would conceive straight away..... I do have cramping but not spotting at all..... and I do feel nauseous but have not vomited, I'm beyond exausted and so emotional I think I'm keeping kleenex in business!! I love food usually but recently it's lost all its excitement and I feel as though I'm just eating out of habbit and more then that I just feel "different" gosh I can't believe I'm writing this but if anyone can offer any advice I would be greatful!? I'm really having difficulty trying to work out when I should test and there's so much conflicting info out there.... plus I really don't want to turn up at the doctors already busy office if I'm just getting carried away!! :wall2: xx
How long are your cycles usually? You would need to have ovulated around day 30 of your cycle to be pregnant from your dates, which would give you a cycle length of approx 44 days. Does that sound possible?

I would say a home pregnancy test would show pretty accurate results between 14 and 16 days after you had sex.

I hope you get the result that you want :)
Hey, thank you so much for your reply!

Well up to this point usually 28-30 day cycle length without fail but this month there is just nothing.... cramping and twinges and emotional, I feel like I could vomit but it comes in waves and then passes, something I've noticed today is I have sore teeth... not like tooth ache as such but a dull throb inside my mouth and I've had the matalic taste since the day after I had UPS..... now I know the matalic taste, nausea, fatigue and emotional roller coaster are all signs but sore teeth?? Not something I've heard before!! I'm 30 and all grown up but the thought of getting my mum all excited for something that could be nothing more then me being hyper vigilant is putting me off asking her for her advice especially because I am single and recently had to move home with her, I'd hate her to think I'm not being careful or sleeping around... it really was just one silly drunken occasion!!!!!... she had 6 babies and new everytime she caught straight away .. I remember her morning sickness with my siblings being really bad even as early as this so I don't think I would simply just feel sick ....pretty sure I wouldn't be questioning morning sickness if I had it, I took another test today and still negative.... I can't get in with my GP for another 2 weeks and the waiting is driving me insane! I know you can't tell me anything more than you have already but it's been a massive release just vent whats in my head!! I just wondered if any other ladies could tell me if they had an experience similar to mine... will certainly help this 2 weeks pass!! ..... thank you again xx
Your symptoms do sound as if they could be pregnancy related, but equally it could just be your hormones having a bit of a crazy party! I think seeing your GP would be a good idea, if you haven't had either a bleed or a positive test by then they should be able to do a blood test for you and start some investigations to see what is going on. You haven't either come off, changed or started any hormonal type of contraception recently? Sometimes that can make things a bit unpredictable.
Hello again,

No there is nothing hormonal I take, don't struggle with periods usually all runs like clockwork so if I ever find myself in a situation I would usually just use condoms ... except for this heat of the moment slip up!! Have booked in with GP I guess now I just have to keep testing and waiting.... at first I panicked at he very thought of bring pregnant especially with just moving back home .... but as the days pass by I can feel myself getting excited .... I mean I'm not likely to be in a relationship anytime soon and this could be
My chance ..... I just feel so silly letting myself think about it when the chances are I'm not..... I didn't realise how much I wanted children until this and its just going to make this wait worse!! Thank you for the friendly ear xx
Ahhhh honey I really hope you are pregnant now, so sweet what you ve just written, good luck !!!!! X
Will have to wait and see but you will be the first to know! If there's ever a time you need an ear ..... I'm here!! And thank you xx
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