My lmp began on 11/08/2016 I usually have a 28 day cycle but my period has still not arrived .... the only intercourse I had in the last 12 months was on 10/09/2016 ( please don't... I know!!) ...I kept feeling like my period was about to arrive but nothing yet and home test are showing negative.... I will book in with my doctor for bloods but before I do i just want to make sure I'm not testing too early and should probably wait a little longer? ....there is also the fact that there was only this one encounter and i just don't think it very likely that I would conceive straight away..... I do have cramping but not spotting at all..... and I do feel nauseous but have not vomited, I'm beyond exausted and so emotional I think I'm keeping kleenex in business!! I love food usually but recently it's lost all its excitement and I feel as though I'm just eating out of habbit and more then that I just feel "different" gosh I can't believe I'm writing this but if anyone can offer any advice I would be greatful!? I'm really having difficulty trying to work out when I should test and there's so much conflicting info out there.... plus I really don't want to turn up at the doctors already busy office if I'm just getting carried away!! xx