Hair colouring


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2010
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What's everyones thoughts?

I've got a hair appointment on Saturday. My book says that some think its best to wait until the end of the first tri, but then says to ask your hairdresser. It gives me the impression that as long as it's not bleach on your scalp, it should be ok?

got it in one! as a hairdresser i can tell you nothing gets in thru ur scalp, hence y u see dots of regrowth in a couple of days?! the reason for the colour is ur hormones can actually change the outcome of the colour?!?! and as for advice to wait its because there simply is no research to prove its good/bad so as a precaution they have to say it! im a hairdresser and coloured looooadsa pregger people and seen no probs, seen more probs with women in menopause haha xx
Lol thanks Piglet (i love your name btw).

yeah im strictly talking bout base colours here btw no bright blondes on scalp im talking bout meche/foils too :)

and thanks i call my lil girl piglet cos she has a piggy nose and her first outfit was a piglet one where she looked exactly like piglet on the top lmao xx
Good question Olive!! i want an over all perm colour, they don't normally use foils for that though? i went in a few weeks back and they done a skin test and said that its ok! xx
I don't know what to do about about colouring my hair. I use black permanant hair dye (Kholsten Perfect) + 6% peroxide which goes straight on my roots, i.e. my scalp. When I google it says that its pretty noxious stuff so I don't really want to use it when Im pregnant. However if I don't do something soon I'm gonna look like a badger!

If anyone has any tips of anything I can use even if its a temp wash out I would be most grateful.

I've got take that in a couple of weeks and would prefer not to look like a badgers arse when I go.
Is highlights ok with meche?

i had hair bleached (hairdresser used a less concentrated bleach) and coloured in week 10 as i was going on stage....
midwife told me it was fine, and hair dresser said he did lots of pregnant ladies... so i had it done.
watched peanut jump around the screen yesterday so obviously all was fine!!!

Well as I have really grey hair (im 26 had it since 16) I have no option as I dont want to look like a granny for 9 months!! I have switched to dense highlights as they are the best as nothing goes on the scalp. Hairdresser said it is fine with the modern hair dyes but highlights are safer!!
I asked my GP and he told me no one had ever brought that up before! So no help there.

There's no way I can escape dying my hair, it's dark, and I dye it light blonde (no bleach though). I don't want to end up looking like Cruela de Vil!
I dyed mine at 10 weeks pregnant, but just found out I'm a week behind than I thought so I was actually 9 weeks pregnant when I dyed it :) No problems at all. xxx
I went for streaks so they didn't touch my scalp and also didn't do it befor 12 weeks x
I've had mine done twice, only thing I would say is my hair reacted differently and wouldn't take the blue streaks at all! The black was fine though. My hairdresser said she had another lady who's hair wouldn't take colour when pregnant!
I'm a bleached blond unfortunately so I'm going to wait til 12 weeks then have it done - in the meantime I have some gorgeous dark brown roots :roll:
star, u shouldn't worry, its very fashionable to have black routes, in fact, women/girls are going in and asking for their roots to be died black.....honest!! xx
I've now had mine done :)

Star I didn't know you were blonde xx
yeah i thought star was brunette as well, i'm sure she used to have a photo with dark hair??

so olive did u get bleach hi-lights done?? did u tell them u were preggers?? xx
I got a mix of colours, but I think there was a little bleach in there! She put a semi perm tint on the rest of my hair. I did tell her and she didn't seem concerned at all. One of the hairdressers there is pregnant and said if I was worried to get semi perm tint instead of perm. That was it really! :roll: Will speak to mw on Monday about it though :)


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