Had enough now! MAJOR RANT, & whats bugging you?


Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2009
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Hey ladies. MajorMajorMajor rant alert!!

Well, im a week overdue tomorrow..how depressing!! BUT not only that, but the 3 people i knew who were pregnant (apart from the PF girlys ;)) HAVE HAD THEIR BABIES BEFORE ME!! they were all due weeks after me! I found out that the 3rd girl had gone in labour today just as i was about to go in asda for the weekly shop with my mum - boy did i stomp round that place!!!
And the women on the till, asked me when i was due, i said last week... And she looked at me as though id just ripped my eyeball out and flicked it at her! Humf!

I want to go into labouuurrrr. Thursday is comin quite quickly but i really want to go naturally, but everynight i go to bed thinkin, ooo i might get woken up with contractions.. But i dont!! So much for the ''second babies come early'' crap! My son was 9 days overdue, and with this one im almost a week over, wwwhhyyyy :(

Anyhow rant over.
Anythin annoyin you ladies lately that you wanna have a good ol fashioned bitch about? Haha :D

x x
awwwwwwwwwwwww nooooooo
well your little man will be here SOO soon hun but yeah.. must be annoying!

have you seen that scummy mummy thing when she heavenly pregnant get the shop assistant to put her boot on and then this gush of water comes all over the shop assistant "oh my water just broke!!" She have a good grop between her legs and sniff it, then says "oh.. its only wee" and walks out.
Maybe try that next time someone asks!

here is my rant!
I HATE FEELING LIKE SHIT! if im gonna be sick like, can i just throw up and get it over and done with? NO! i have to go day in and day out now with sickness coming and going and dizzynes and just feeling terrible. and i got 44 bloody days to go


thanks that felt better to let it out :D
Aw hope you go natrually! I would try to give you some advice but i bet you've heard it all before.... curries, sex, pineapples etc...!! Hope thursday flys round for you!
I don't really have anything bugging me atm!! :D Still enjoying my pregnancy! Give me a month and i bet it's a different story!! lol
tell me about it beth its terrible all i have been getting the last couple of days is when you due now have you still not went its bloddy annoying. And the best bit about it is i aint due until next bloddy friday
i hope it all happens naturally for you too x
I feel your pain! 5 days over due tomorrow ):
Hahaha evalina, that cheered me up :) i should do that!

My mum keeps sayin ooo enjoy the last bit of your pregnancy, but how can you when all your thinkin is ''oo will my water break here!?''

Weeeell i have news!! Yesterday i felt looaadss of pressure and at night it was gettin quite painful, so i thought (silly me!) oh il so some squats to try and get hjm engages deeper.. Well, down i went and WHOOSH, some thick, horrible stuff flew into my knicks!!! Went into my bathroom and it was my show!!!!!! FINALLY!
Not had any cramps or anything since, but ooo so happy that somethins finally happened rather than feelin like im gettin nowhere!! :D

LucyH- craaap isnt it, have you got an induction date yet? Fingers crossed we go naturally though eh!

^^ fab news- keep on with those squats!!

Well I am well and truely fed up at the moment. I'm confident my LO has had a serious growth spurt which would be utterly fab but I am in so much discomfort and pain most of the time now. My stomach feels stretched to it's limit and tender all the time and I have huge trouble sleeping due to bump being sore and hard and when I stand I feel massive pressure on my cervix. I am dreading the thought of going overdue because I don't think I'd manage 5 more weeks of this let alone 7! :(
^^ fab news- keep on with those squats!!

Well I am well and truely fed up at the moment. I'm confident my LO has had a serious growth spurt which would be utterly fab but I am in so much discomfort and pain most of the time now. My stomach feels stretched to it's limit and tender all the time and I have huge trouble sleeping due to bump being sore and hard and when I stand I feel massive pressure on my cervix. I am dreading the thought of going overdue because I don't think I'd manage 5 more weeks of this let alone 7! :(

If you feel lots of pressure - could have an early baby rather than a late one!
I feel for you, im havin a crap time sleeping too! Although, managed a full 6 hours last night without waking once! I think it was the show that made me relax more as im so tense and stressed that nothings been happenin!

It will all soon be over and we will be thinkin, corr can you go back in there for a night please!? Haha.

Something i find slightly strange, the lady who went into labour last night who i know..was doing facebook status updates!!? :-/ now, to me, thats odd! She even did a status saying she was fully dilated! Gawd the last thing on my mind when im fully dialated will be ''shall i update my status!?'' it will be PUUUSHHHH ! blimey. x
Lol! Yep, it's all well and good putting updates on a site like this via dh or something but on fb?! Not sure I want all previous and current work colleagues knowing that I'm crowning!! Lol! Classy ;)
Exactly!! Or sendin a quick text to your text buddy so they can update, but to go thru the hassle of fb!? Madness! Haha.

I think last time, when i was fully dialated i was in my own world off gas and air!! I could hardly hold my mouthpiece...let alone a phone!! Jeeez.

Im very disapointed that my show hasnt turned into something more lol iv had very slight cramps,but iv been at it all morning.. Cleanin my kitchen and livin room so think iv just overdone it!

x x
fingers crossed hun! i think you will have your baby tuesday!xx

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