Had consultant yest, not happy :(


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2006
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Hi all,

I didn't post yesterday as i was too upset, i just came in from hospital and hid in my room. After crying loads on the way home!

I'm so pissed off woth the bloody doctors they really don't care about us do they!

I think i'm getting somewhere as the midwife eventually listens and then the doctors make me look and feel stupid.

They basically said they didn't know why i had been sent there and the had seen a woman deliver an 11lb baby so the size wasn't an issue at all and they wouldn't do anything untill the 21st of June.

I had to fight to keep my due date as the 9th as they wanted to put it back to the 13th, but i eventually won that one! But as for the size they said yes its a big baby but that it shouldn't be a problem and they would wait and see. They didn't even bother scanning me as they said it wouldn't make any difference what the scan said.

So my next midwfie apt isn't even till the 15th! And they won't do anything until i go 12 days over on the 21st.

I was so pissed off. To make matters worse our apt was at 3.55, but we wern't seen until 4.50 and it took an hour to get home in the traffic. Just to be told nothing and made to feel like a twat :cry:

I can't go on like this till the 21st, i can't move or sleep or do anything without being in pain cos of the weight of this baby and my sciatica. I am so upset.

:cry: :cry: :cry:

i dont know what to say hun.. sorry you feel like this

the end is in sight though, you will have your lo soon..

have a hug :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Or not so little one!

You'd think the hospital would do what they could to avoid a c-section but they don't seem to care. No wonder our hospital has a high c-sec rate!


i'm so sorry hun it's not good news a tall... they are so unconsidered..... (was it man) :x

that's ridiculous how you are going to have to wait till july :shock: no they possible can't do that can they.

my appt with my midwife isn't till 15th too... and i haven't had much care... they see so many of us that they just lose interest i swear..

i'm so sorry you didn't get much support :hug: :hug: :hug:
Awwwww hun! :hug:

Someone I know has just had a baby this morning and she had been told by doctors and scans etc that the baby was massive and that they were going to induce her. She's just had a 7lb 1oz baby - which isn't that big really. I was told that my daughter was a 'touch on the large side' the day before I gave birth and she was a tiny 5lb 10oz! So they can and do get it wrong. :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: So sorry they wont listen to you.
But like meezie said, I was also told with my first that Josh would be a big baby and he was 7lb 9oz which to me is average size. They cant just go on the size of your bump as it's not ALL baby there are other things in there too. Have you had growth scans for them to say LO is bigger than usual?
Try to keep calm and get doing all the things that may bring on labour.

:hug: :hug: :hug:

I had growth scan at 34 weeks which showed baby was measuring 38 weeks and i had a scan at 36 weeks which also showed he was measuring 40 weeks. So they are not going by my bump. Also my sister in law had an 11lb 1oz baby in Feb 2 days before her EDD by C-section and she was showing big all the way through so we think its something in DP's family.

At 36 weeks they guessed his weight at 7lb 10oz already.

The consultant also said i've never had a baby before the only way to know if i can labour naturally and if he will fit through my pelvis is to leave it and see. Not his flipping pelvis he's talking bout though is it! Yes neeko, it was a man! Prick!


hi hun, my sister was told her baby was estimated at 9lbs 3 and they wudnt scan her. they sed that it wasnt a large baby until it passed the 11lb mark. she went 8 days over and was finally induced. he was only 7lbs 3 but quite long. they told her that havin a large baby was not an emergency. she isnt very tall tho and only has a small frame so i think they should of at least scanned her and if they had they can tell u exactly how much they weigh. when i was 9 days overdue with reanna i was scanned becus she had stopped movin and they estimated she was 6lbs 8 and she was 6lbs 7 when born the next day so they could of at least scanned you to confirm how big he was.

sorry your feeling like this hun

:hug: :hug: :hug:

sorry they were no help....better try the sex and curry

aww hun sorry they are being so uncaring.
You will be holding LO soon no matter what happens and lets hope LO decides to come on its own and sooner rather then later, good luck with everything
:hug: Katrina
I know i thought a scan would have helped. Especially as the 36 week scan said he was 7lb 10oz already. So with 4 weeks to go after that till term, then another 12 days they let you go overdue, he could be a monster!

I'm sorry you had such a disappointing consultation Lau. :hug:

I asked about big babies at the parentcraft and was told basically the same thing - that it's not a reason for a CS and women have given birth to 11lb babies before :wall:

Sorry to say that maybe this is why your hospital has a high CS rate. If they don't take notice of the scans and listen to the patients it's not surprising.

I would do everything I can to make sure I get started on my own ASAP if I was you! :D

At my growth scan, I was measuring 2 and a half weeks ahead and they refuse to change my due date too :wink:
oh no hun i'm sorry! hav these hope they make u feel better :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: Here hun, have some hugs, you need 'em. I suggest you start on the curry, pineapple, sex, long, long walks, whatever floats your boat! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

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