Had anti-natel... risk of pre eclampsia :(


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2008
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I had my booking in appt at the anti-natel clinic today...

I have a lot of sugar in my urine apparently so they gotta keep an eye on me cus of risk of gestational diabetes and I got to go have a glucose tolerance test (more taking blood from me). Got told off cus I felt the need to confess I'd had abt 2 litres of coke and a family sized bar or aero last night...thought that might have been why my urine showed sugar lol. Been told to try and completely cut down on caffeine AND sugar (may have to tape my gob shut for the next 6months to achieve this!)

Then they did some calculations and because I'm a bit of a bloater etc etc I am also an identified risk for pre eclampsia too. so gotta have regular tests for that too. (I'm gonna live at that bloody hospital at this rate!!!)

On the good side I get more scan pics cus of the monitoring hehehe

AND the thing that really makes me laugh is I gotta have an appt with the anaesthatist so that we can discuss pain relief during labour and he can size me up for my tranquilizer dart (epidural)... I guess it's so they can order extra in lol - maybe they'll shoot me with it like a bull elephant :rotfl:

Does anyone know a good website where I can read up about pre eclampsia cus I just nodded sweetly this afternoon and didn't understand much :?

Ta ladies/gents,

Sarah xxx
For pre eclampsia info go here and read through the pages

http://www.nhsdirect.nhs.uk/articles/ar ... icleId=431

I have to say 2 litres of coke is a lot :shock: Not only for the caffeine content but also the rest of the crap in it. I do hope you can cut right back on it. Much better for you and LO :)

If they consider you an at risk for pre eclampsia and GD I'd really be looking to improve eating habits so as to minimalise the possible risk. PE is far from pleasant and can be serious. Of course have treats, but try to not go overboard.

I was overweight but had no problems in pregnancy. I cut out all caffeine and only had choc as a treat. I didn't touch fizzy drinks either. Stuck to water, juice and so on. Also made sure to not eat crap/junk food and just ate well. Still had loads of yummy foods :) And treats as and when. Just made sure to limit them.
I don't really have an advice for you but didn't like to read and run. Heres some hugs instead! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Gosh i thought I was bad for sugary things :shock: i have to have a GTT and decided to cut down now rather than risk having to go without hehe!

It seems like they are planning everything well in advance so that can only be good for you and bubs.

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