Had a letter AND phonecall today.


Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2009
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And I'm so pleased!

Hi girls :) I know I don't post on here very often, but felt I should share this:

I had a horrific time of it during my last labour and I had a consultant appointment last week, as now classed as high risk as a result.

She was absoltely fantastic. She really listened to what I had to say and agreed that I can have my waterbirth :happydance:

Not only that, but she reffered me to both an obstetric counceller and a midwifery services liason nurse. I highly doubted any of this would happen, but today I recieved a phone call from the counceller and a letter regarding the midwife liason nurse! The counceller sounded utterly lovely and I'm actually looking forward to talking to her, in a way.

My hubby is coming with me to see the liason nurse, so hopefully we will both be happier this time - my care (or lack of) left a huge impact on him, so I'm glad he can be involved.

I am going to be allocated a team of midwives so se me through my pregnancy and one of those will be on duty whenever I go into labour. I'm so grateful that I'm receiving this quality of care - and on the NHS.

I hope it all goes as planned and I'm not let down again. But the point of this post is to say that you need to speak up. If you feel let down, have been done wrong or are generally not happy about something, hopefully they wil listen. Although I would prefer that none of you girls need to go down the route I did!!

Happy pregnancies girls :flower:
Aww that's wounderful news I hope they do keep an eye on you so you have a better labour and birth and also good or you speaking up aswell nOt many of us would do that I hope everything goeswell and to plan x
aw cat i'm so glad for you :yay: sounds like you're getting fab care this time and i hope you have an easier labour!xx
:wave: thats so fab, my heart gave a little leap when I read your post. Im still in the middle of the dilema about whether to have any more babies after a difficult labour and youve really filled me with hope and kind of a bit of excitement.

Do you feel a bit more positive about the birth now?
:wave: thats so fab, my heart gave a little leap when I read your post. Im still in the middle of the dilema about whether to have any more babies after a difficult labour and youve really filled me with hope and kind of a bit of excitement.

Do you feel a bit more positive about the birth now?

Most definitely! Even if the pool is taken and I can't use it, I hope I'll be listened too about want I want. I feel a lot more empowered this time to say what I want and also know what I can expect.

Although talking about my last birth again will be hard, I feel it will really help me to move on to a more positive place. Have you spoken to anyone about your birth Tiny? X x
thats really good, I know what you mean about it being hard but I think its something more of us mummies should have the opportunity to do if we need it. Im struggling to find any services where I live, Ive found some counselling service where you only pay a donation but theyre not specialist womens issues type counsellors. Im thinking about just ringing the midwives and asking if someone can go through my notes with me. I came very close to paying to have a set but I dont think thats a good idea until I actually have someone to talk them through with. Im a bit worried about opening pandoras box :/
thats really good, I know what you mean about it being hard but I think its something more of us mummies should have the opportunity to do if we need it. Im struggling to find any services where I live, Ive found some counselling service where you only pay a donation but theyre not specialist womens issues type counsellors. Im thinking about just ringing the midwives and asking if someone can go through my notes with me. I came very close to paying to have a set but I dont think thats a good idea until I actually have someone to talk them through with. Im a bit worried about opening pandoras box :/

The midwife should refer you if needed. It was originally offered to me when I first had Oliver and was struggling coming to terms with what had happened. Keep me updated babe. Pm me if you like x x
Sounds like you've got really good support services there :yay: hope you're sessions go alright x

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