Guessing Game

Mummy to one

Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2014
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Hey ladies,

Ok I post every so often but I guess I must ask silly questions coz I don't often get replies but I really wondered if someone could give there opinion for me. I know that know one really knows and everyone is in the same boat but this month my partner and I had unprotected sex on several occasions but I think it might have been before I ovulated but I don't track so I'm not sure.

I am roughly on cycle day 18 I think, my last af was on the 1st-5th of May so my next one is due around the 29th.

Last week I was extremely naseaus and couldn't stand smells or to move to fast or I would be sick. My cm has been wet to the point I think I've started my af and since yesterday I can't handle not wearing a bra coz my boobs ache.

In everyone's experience does this just sound like ovulation or could it be good signs?

Thanks ladies

C x
It sounds promising Hun :) was your last AF defiantly AF? Or could it have been an IB? Have u tested?

Thank u so much for your reply. I tested just before last af and it was negative. So I doubt I would have been before my last one.

I just I'm not sure if this is just ovulation symptoms or if it's looking promising. I'm not sure if we have sex to early in my cycle for me to have conceived

Hi lovely,

Every woman is different - I generally ovulate around CD18-21 of a 29 day cycle, others ovulate around the CD10 mark.

If you don't track it's difficult to know what is normal for you. Ovulation symptoms do include achey boobs, back aches, sickness so if I were you I'd try to relax until your AF is late.

If AF does arrive, why don't you start using opks to track when you get your surge in Lutenizing Hormone. Once you get that you know you should ovulate within the next 13-48 hours and can get down to business.

Temping is the only way to confirm ovulation took place unfortunately.

Have you been TTC for long?

Fx for you!!! :hug:
Hey baby love,

Thanks for your reply. We haven't been really trying but if it happened it would defo be a good thing. I had to come home from work today because I am exhausted! I couldn't even keep my eyes open so I've had to come home and go to bed :(

I know there is a high chance it could just b ovulation: with my son I had spotting and I don't seem to have anything like that but there is some browniish tinder kinda discharge in my underwear. Sorry for tmi and my tummy has light cramps on and off as if my period is going to show any minute even though it isn't due for about 9/10 days.

So confused!

That defo sounds like implantation to me. I was cramping like mad. I was very hot (temp of 38) and was tired. Are you around 7-9 days after you DTD?
Because your not actually charting though it's really hard to say. Sorry I can't be of more help xx

Really? It was last Tuesday night late on/Wednesday morning so pretty much 8 days ago exactly. I have like small cramps.. There's no painfully just slightly uncomfy. I'm honestly exhausted.. I went to the cinema last night and fell asleep!! It's so unlike me to fall asleep out somewhere!

How soon would I be able to test?

No no your advise is enough... I just like to here other women's opinions even though no one really knows!

If it was 8 days ago you have the brown cm then if you was pregnant you should get a positive xx

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Pretty sure that's a good Evap line. Do u agree? X


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