
little momma

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2008
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hello... i need a rant!
im so fed up of mentioning to people that i'm feeling a little stressed and them going "just wait till the babies born" and laughing at me.
i sudder from really bad anxiety all the time, and i have anxiety attacks quite a lot at the moment. i spend all my time worrying, and i often dont go out because i am so worried about it, or other things that i cant bring myself to deal with talking to other people...
im stressed because i live with my boyfriend or ex boyfriend or whatever he is who has been cheating on me, and generally doing nothing to help with getting ready for the baby, and his alchoholic father... and 4 cats who i dont' like and i'm buying a flat but the transfer date isnt until my due date so i feel a bit in limbo at the moment... and stressed. and... i'm 18 and i'm about to have a baby... and that in its self is scary and stressful. infact the reason i'm so worried and stressed is because i'm having a baby. so... saying "ha! think your stressed? wait till you have a baby!" like i'm a TOTAL idiot... i know all that! thats WHY im anxious and panicy now!!!
aaaaah it makes me so cross... pepople just make it worse when they say that... aaaaaaaaaaargh...
sorry, i really needed a rant. but i'm gona stop now before i burst into tears and hide under the duet for ever.
love xxxx
Firstly have some of these :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I know exactly what you mean about people saying "wait until you have the baby". It's like no one can be positive about what it's like. me and my OH do most of the work on our house, garden and cars ourselves and everyone says " oh you won't be able to do that when the baby's born". Why???? do we both need to hold or entertain him/her all the time so one of us can't be free to do some work???? Also I'm looking forward to being able to go out, on our own and with bubs, but the moment i say it people automatically say... oh you won't be doing that!!! Why??? Surely it just takes a bit more organization....

Sorry I've hijacked your rant....

I usually get 'it will be all owrth it when the baby comes along'

I feel like saying 'yes, I am fully aware of that...But while I am in so much discomfort, it doesnt make me feel any better'

Or people keep reminding you when it is your 'last chance' to do things.

I sometimes think people do not know what to say, so they say something silly.

LM: It sounds as if getting out of the house you are in will be your best move ever. Good luck :hug:
rant away!
hehe... i have some more... it happens the othe way round too...
i'm gona basically be a single mum when i'm not living here...
but people get grumpy with me and sulk when i say things like "i'm not sure i'll be able to do that when i've got a baby"
for friend was like "we're going away for a week in june, and you should come"
and it's like... my due dates in june... and i'm moving house... i cant really just say "yeah sure i'll come" what if the baby's two weeks late? people just dont... think... sometimes. and it's the fact that she got angry with me for saying i couldnt come... but what does she want me to do? give birth while i'm there???
and... also, sometimes people are like... "how on earth will you cope living on your own with a baby?" like it's the most impossible thing... and it's like... i can manage! it will be hard... but i'm capable!
i'm such a GRUMPlestiltskin today!
:hug: :hug: :hug:
I get it both ways too hun.

My mates birthday is at the beginning of June and she wants to go to Alton Towers, she doesn't have a car. I do... and she was asking if we'd like to come with her there for her bday (me and OH) - when really she wants someone who can drive her there! And I pointed out that baby wasn't even due until the end of May - and she said 'get a babysitter!' if bubs is 2 weeks late then it'd be her birthday before she is born!

I was SOOOOO annoyed at that!

And i get fed up of generally being told what i will and won't be able to do.

Just remember that you know yourself and what will be fine and what won't and ignore all those silly people!

And you'll cope just fine :) I'm sure :)

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :hug: :hug:
My mum keeps telling me I can't have ornaments, candles, DVDs and stuff around because of baby. She obviously thinks her grandchild is going to be an advanced miracle who is born able to crawl around :rotfl:

Different people cope with things and experience things in differrent ways. I know that having a baby will be far less difficult for me than being pregnant and also that I will get far more sleep but people keep telling me to enjoy my time now and enjoy the rest - I can't walk, I am in permanent pain, I have to think about every movement in advance so I don't end up stranded if my crutches are too far away and I get an average of 5 hours sleep in 24 hours broken into segments of between 45 minutes and an hour and a half!!!!!!!!

You know how you feel about things and what is likely to be best for you. No, you can't know exactly what it will be like but neither can anyone else. If you suffer from anxiety then for you it is best to think through all the things that could happen so you're prepared and I don't think people can critisise you for that. It's a shame that they don't have the same foresight that you do.
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
little momma said:
hello... i need a rant!
im so fed up of mentioning to people that i'm feeling a little stressed and them going "just wait till the babies born" and laughing at me.
i sudder from really bad anxiety all the time, and i have anxiety attacks quite a lot at the moment. i spend all my time worrying, and i often dont go out because i am so worried about it, or other things that i cant bring myself to deal with talking to other people...
im stressed because i live with my boyfriend or ex boyfriend or whatever he is who has been cheating on me, and generally doing nothing to help with getting ready for the baby, and his alchoholic father... and 4 cats who i dont' like and i'm buying a flat but the transfer date isnt until my due date so i feel a bit in limbo at the moment... and stressed. and... i'm 18 and i'm about to have a baby... and that in its self is scary and stressful. infact the reason i'm so worried and stressed is because i'm having a baby. so... saying "ha! think your stressed? wait till you have a baby!" like i'm a TOTAL idiot... i know all that! thats WHY im anxious and panicy now!!!
aaaaah it makes me so cross... pepople just make it worse when they say that... aaaaaaaaaaargh...
sorry, i really needed a rant. but i'm gona stop now before i burst into tears and hide under the duet for ever.
love xxxx

Don't let people get you down - yes, having a baby is hard work, but they also grow up pretty fast and the sleepless nights etc will soon be behind you...that's just a small part of it all. I have a son who is almost 6 and he's a total joy and no trouble at all and you will have that too. Hang in there and do things your way in your own time - it won't be long until you have your own place and your own routine in place. You'll be fine. :hug:

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