Grrrrr @ Doctors..


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2010
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I have just phoned up my surgery to get an appointment with the midwife and she claimed on the phone that they don't start seeing anyone until the 12 week period???
Is this normal? I was livid on the phone and just for her to shut me up she is "getting" the midwife to call me next wednesday when she is in the surgery..
I Had a MC in May and am so worried this is going to happen again :(
Should i complain when i go to see my GP on the 19th? Or leave it? xXX
What do you guys think? x
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I would've thought they'd wanna see you sooner than 12 weeks hun. I saw my midwife at 8 weeks but i know everywhere is differnet! I had a m/c last year at 6 weeks and when i told my doctor this he didn't seem bothered at all and said these things happen and it's very common! Like i wanna hear that!!!! If you are concerned though, you could go for a private scan?!
Unfortunately we don't get any extra care if we've previously miscarried! Bloody stupid if you ask me.. Think it's just a way to save money! I would try and push for it a bit earlier though.. 12 weeks is a long time to be seen.
I saw my GP to get a referral but my booking-in appointment isn't until about 14 weeks. It seemed like a long time to wait at first, but time is passing more quickly than I'd expected.

I did decide to get a private scan around three weeks ago for reassurance as well, but mainly, I'm just getting on with things as normal.
thats wierd, but i guess everywhere is different, i was seen at the start of 10 weeks, but that was just an appointment i had through the post after i had rung my surgery! strange, i was also under the impression that you have to have a midwife appointment over the phone, which is probably what you will have wednesday, i hope for your sake! then you can discuss what you need to and tell her worries you have!
good luck sweety, im sure everything is ok. xx
im sorry you have had a bad experiance with the Dr's it amazes me how one area varys from another. what if you keep pestering?? some girls on here have paid for early scans i know you shouldnt need to but if it gives you peace of mind may be worth it. i hope you feel a bit better about things soon xx
My midwife wouldnt see me till 8weeks and even then they dismissed me because i was moving so i had to wait till 13weeks before i got any antenatel care which the hospital here was amazed at. But i think 8-12weeks is normal time for meeting midwfe after seeing Dr x
Yeah 12 weeks seems slightly long to be honest esp with prev MC history
I would book it up anyway so your in the queue and your date is ticking away, and then see the GP if your worried in the meantime X
Yeah I agree 12 weeks is a long time,I saw mw at 9 weeks this time but wiv my youngest son I didn't book in till 15 weeks but went to see mw at approx 6 weeks so she could arrange scab and discuss previous pregnancies wiv me xx
In my area the midwife was certainly keen to make sure she did booking appt before 12 weeks, must be some target type thing as she was very adamant she saw me before I had my dating scan. If I was you I would probably make an appt to see GP to 'confirm pregnancy' - don't really confirm it but she filled in my prescription exemption and sent it off for me so I got it ASAP. Also it's the midwife that usually actions the dating scan at hospital so if she doesn't even see you until 12 weeks I guess that would be delayed. I had a previous miscarriage and they were very good with me, I said I had some concerns to GP and she said she thought it would be a good idea to be referred for an early scan for reassurance. I saw midwife at 7 weeks this time so they could action early scan etc.
I went to see my gp first and when I explained about my missed miscarriage she was really good and wrote a note for me to hand to receptionist to give to mw about my booking in appointment. I then had my booking in done at 7 weeks so that I could have a slightly early scan (I had it done at 10 weeks rather than 12) x for a booking in appointment 12 weeks sounds so long as when would they get your scan appt to you? I'd speak to gp if I was you honey x x
That really is a long time especially if it is your first pregnancy. I was really lucky and had my booking appointment at 5 weeks but my nhs scan is not until I am 13 weeks and 3 days (which is so long) so I booked an early scan as I had a mc in march. I had my scan yesterday morning and it was the best money I have ever spent! I feel very reassured. Maybe you should book an early scan - if they see a heart beat at 7 weeks there's only a tiny 4%chance that you could mc and it gets less every day! Has the doctor confirmed that you are pregnant yet?
I saw a midwife at about 8 weeks pregnant which as she said gives her time to book into hospital at about 12 weeks for dating scan i'd tell her how you feel and you are a bit worried because of previous mc and get her to see you if only to put your mind at rest x
That really is a long time especially if it is your first pregnancy. I was really lucky and had my booking appointment at 5 weeks but my nhs scan is not until I am 13 weeks and 3 days (which is so long) so I booked an early scan as I had a mc in march. I had my scan yesterday morning and it was the best money I have ever spent! I feel very reassured. Maybe you should book an early scan - if they see a heart beat at 7 weeks there's only a tiny 4%chance that you could mc and it gets less every day! Has the doctor confirmed that you are pregnant yet?

Hey honey don't have doctors until the 19th (only time they could fit me in lol)
So i will dicuss it with her just like you girls said and hopefully they can put my mind at rest :D

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