Gripe water and infacol


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2008
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Can you take to two together does anyone know Blake will be 6 weeks friday. Cheers
I'd just use the one in all honesty hun and have a look at some burping techniques. I used dentinox with Henry until he was a month old n then we swapped over to Gripe water as i much prefer it to the gloopyness of dentinox or infacol.. Henry is less pukey with gripe water. He has 5ml in a day in his one bottle of formula he has when hollyoaks is on :lol: and it really does help him - he's alot less colicky now.
Yep I used gallons of both of them on HVs advice too. At 12 weeks it vanished over night but am just finishing off the infacol just incase it hasn't quite gone.

I feel for you, it's a horrid time :hug:
We used both infacol and Gripe Water together, I found that the Infacol was better at making Theo give a good burp at the end of his bottle, but i found the gripe water worked in settling his tummy (as you could hear the wind wirling around). but in all honesty i thought they worked for the first few weeks but we didnt get on Very well with them and Theo used to be sick with the gripe water more often then not. but in answer to your question . yup we used them together!
I used both together when Adam was small. I only use gripe water now as I find it really settles his tummy and gets his wind up (or down) almost instantly. It really is a miracle worker for us :pray:

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