tomorrow morning at 9:30 and see the consultant and have more bloods.
they phned at 10am today and said have a scan in a weeks time, then phoned up at 3pm and said come tomorrow for a blood test, then phoned again at 7 and said be at the EPU at 9:30 to see the consultant, have a scan then and more bloods. i swear i live at the hozzie at the moment.
i think they are just being causious as on wednesday i had a bit of pain one side and they want to rule out ectopic, even though ive now told them what i think it might have been and i did say it was'nt that painfull.
God im so nervous, but i know that everything going to be fine.
you lot are going to be so fed up of me soon lol
they phned at 10am today and said have a scan in a weeks time, then phoned up at 3pm and said come tomorrow for a blood test, then phoned again at 7 and said be at the EPU at 9:30 to see the consultant, have a scan then and more bloods. i swear i live at the hozzie at the moment.
i think they are just being causious as on wednesday i had a bit of pain one side and they want to rule out ectopic, even though ive now told them what i think it might have been and i did say it was'nt that painfull.
God im so nervous, but i know that everything going to be fine.
you lot are going to be so fed up of me soon lol