going to see a house.. NEW update!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2007
Reaction score
at 5oclock..

really hope it's nice because our lease is up at the end of the month, so we need somewhere quick..

the areas lovely and a short walk into the town centre for me and the pram (still can't believe there will be a baby in it :rotfl:)

the only problem is it has storage heating, we have that in this flat just now and being honest, it's pretty crap, but i don't know whether that's because the boiler is about to pack in.. :think:

it's £100 under our budget as well which would be fab :cheer: wish us luck, praying it's suitable so we can get moved in a couple of weeks.

sarah xxx
Good luck hun, at least its nearly summer (I say that whilst its hailing outside) so you shouldnt have to worry about the heating for a few months!
good luck :cheer: hope its all you are looking for
let us know how it goes
it sounds good and the fact its £100 under your buget even better :D
and i :pray: i wll soon be looking for my own place soon too
sarah :wave: :wave:
sounds good, and the extra £100 will come in handy! Good luck :pray:
I hope its nice and like Kiki said it will be summer so the heating wont be a problem straight away. :cheer:
Best of luck for this afternoon - let us know how it goes :hug:
good luck with the house hun

we have storage heating, its the pain of my life :x
Good luck chick-hope you like it. Let us know how it goes. :D
well the house is really nice.

the heaters are more modern storage ones, not the big ugly bulky ones which is good and also it's a mid terrace house, so the i doubt we will need the heating on that much :)

the only things i don't like are - the fireplace and the back garden is small and paved, but i don't even have a garden just now, so i should think myself lucky really :think:

we're going to have to buy a fridge/freezer and new couch for it as well, firstly we need to go through a reference check though, so fingers crossed for that. what do you all think? i don't even have any pics to show you :(

this is the only pic i have of the outside.. it's the one with the white door..
the garden isn't a huge problem, it will be a while before LO is old enough to play in it, just having somewhere to sit in the sun would be ok for now.
We've got a garden and James never plays in it. He always see's the boys playing football in the park next door and wants to play in there with them.
It looks lovely hun!!
I wouldn't worry about the garden. we don't have one at all, not even a yard!! :(
i think as long as Lo gets out and about it doesn't matter too much! :D
Glad you like it. Hope it works out for you.
go for it hunny
glad it all went well and you like the house

brilliant news :dance: :dance:
sarah :wave:
If you like it go for it :)

As others have said, garden isn't an issue when baby is small. Besides, as LO gets older things like a sandbox and so on can easily be gotten to use out back. Don't have to have grass :)

Modern night storage heaters are good IMHO. I had a couple in my old place and they were fine. So long as the output is down low when you are out in the daytime and then turn it up when at home in the evening they should last. You can always invest in a portable radiator to boost things if needed. Not hugely expensive.

Fridge freezers are in plentiful supply. We just bought a new cooker online with £100 off (got it for £300 instead of £400) as the latest model is being brought out atm, so they are shifting the old ones now. Its brilliant and good quality for a bargin price. You could find similar with fridges etc. And sofas are not so bad either. Places like DFS offer interest free deals and no payment for a while etc. Just a case of shopping around.
just to let you all know, i handed in a reference form today for the house, they check credit history :oops: and details of old landlords etc - costs £65 and is non refundable if we fail it :roll:

fingers crossed it goes through, my credit is pretty bad, but i think it only counts against you if you have CCJ's or have filed for bankruptcy.. :pray:

we should know early next week and if everythings ok can move in whenever :cheer:

sarah xxx
sarafet said:
just to let you all know, i handed in a reference form today for the house, they check credit history :oops: and details of old landlords etc - costs £65 and is non refundable if we fail it :roll:

fingers crossed it goes through, my credit is pretty bad, but i think it only counts against you if you have CCJ's or have filed for bankruptcy.. :pray:

we should know early next week and if everythings ok can move in whenever :cheer:

sarah xxx

Don't worry, I've got a shocking credit history and always passed checks when we were renting. I even got a mortgage last year with defaults and a CCJ lol

The house looks lovely!
thanks bunnymom :hug: really got my fingers crossed for this place now :pray:

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