Going to find a part time job


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2007
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After a lot of thinking and deliberating all the pros and cons im going to try and find work in a Nursery part time
We can manage just about without me working but the extra money would be a relife and be a cushion for potential bad times. Also i really really dont like no longer earning my own money as my maternity has now ended :talkhand: .
My decision was made yesterday at the Baby weight in clinic, a lady from Sure Start was there advertising the opening of the local Childrens centre. We got talking about carers and returning to work and the problems id have ie childcare not driving ect. She said that most of the Nurseries in Basingstoke take on staff and allow you to bring you child to work, as long as the child isnt in the room you work in, and offer a staff discount on the childcare cost :D

Anyway this lady said she has contacts in with the local Nurseries and would ring around to find out who was recruiting and get back to me. :D Im also going to check out whats on offer at the job centre for part time work
I think this would be good for me and Collier Collier is such an active sociable baby i think a few days in Nursery would be fantastic for him. And yes even working with other kids it would still feel like a little brake away for me and good for Colliers independance.

Wish me luck on the job hunting :pray: :D

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