going for a reading


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2005
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HI guys

when i was at the IOW festival, i got told by a card reader that i was pregnant, so as soon as i came home i did a test and found out i was (i did a test before i went and it said no)

i was really suprised when i got back to find i was, so i booked a full reading with a meduim in my area, shes meant to be very good, i have been to her before a few years ago, im due to see her at 1.00, i cant wait!

im hopeing she can tell me stuff about the baby, what sex it is etc

also i have a few things on my mind, wanting to move is the main one, so it will be intresting to see if she picks up on that.

i will let you know when i get back.....

hope its all good news!

ooh hurry back and let us know hun xxxxx
i want to go now!!! cant belive i have 2 hours to wait lol

hurry back!!!!!! the one i seen was great :)
Hurry up Layla, let us know what she says :cheer:
Ohhh how did it go??????
ooOoo thats cool your going to have to let us know how it goes and what she says etc.

Anyone know where I could find one in my area? Been looking on the net for weeks, but cant find one. Those that I do find charge over 30 quid :shock: which is a bit much for a reading as I only paid 15 for my last one about 2 years ago.
violet-glow said:
ooOoo thats cool your going to have to let us know how it goes and what she says etc.

Anyone know where I could find one in my area? Been looking on the net for weeks, but cant find one. Those that I do find charge over 30 quid :shock: which is a bit much for a reading as I only paid 15 for my last one about 2 years ago.

iold go by word of mouth, some can be a load of crap. i paid £25 for the last one i went to recomended by some friends
she was amazing!

she told me i had a girl and 2 boys already and she picked up on this pregnancy too, she said im having another boy! and also said i would have a girl within a year of having this one :shock:

she told me about jases job, that he works shifts, but said he will get offerd a permant job there come october and the money would get better.

she didnt say we would move tho, she said we would do up this house and stay here, which is what jase wants to do, so i guess i wont get my own way on that one lol

she told me stuff about my past that she couldnt have possibly known and i know shes been right on other readings so i do trust her.

she said loads of other stuff too that was right but it was small stuff so no point in talking bout it on here.

im very pleased with it and im glad i went :D

so now me and jase need to deicde wether its Dexter or Nate :lol:

oh... she also said we have just got a grey coloured car...we have! and she said i would learn to drive in it, im terrifed of driving so i cant see that happening lol

i had a reading a few years ago and i went with my mil and sil. when my sil went in he asked her which one of us was a police officer (this is all on tape) and i worked for the metropolitan police then!

when it was my turn he knew all sorts, said that i would be having another baby (and here is liam), i thought he said it would be a girl but what he did say was that my first pregnancy was a girl. he couldnt understand why there were two men claiming to be my dad, but it was my dad and my step dad.

i was like a big wooss. he said that Jon would have some of his music published, but havent got a clue how to go about trying to get a song published, so that hasnt happened.

but at the end he said to me 'that my dad wanted me to know that he had found his brother' and that was it for me, as my dad had been trying to find his brother for years, and when he went back to south africa, he found him and the day before they were due to meet my uncle dropped dead!!

there is no way on earth he could have known that.
awww wow! that just makes me want to go see one even more now.

:shock: they are so clever sometimes
wow another after this LO!! your very adventerous!! :rotfl:

I love Nate.

It scares me how they know, the last one i went to said that my grandad was stood next to her and sentances she was coming out with were just what he used to say, she was having conversations with him and laughing and said Andy's brother (who died very young) was stood watching over him! :shock:

I really want to go and see one but I don't know who to go to, no one I know has been to one so I can't get one recommended :(
Wow layla, that is cool! :shock:

My Aunt & Uncle wanna go and see someone, but I am on the fence plus we are all too aware that there are fakes out there.....and none of us know anyone that could recommend one :( I wanna see someone to see if there is life after death and see if I can get anything from my Mum...........I would never have gone before, but if I could be told something no one else could possibly know about my Mum, I would believe 100% and get off the fence! :wink: xx
fab stuff im so jealous i want to see someone now :( xxxx

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