Getting worried...


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2012
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I posted earlier about ligament pain. I thought it was just that, however it's getting more and more painful down my right side and is feeling more localised. OH is taking me down to my docs to get me looked at. It's absolute agony right now and I'm almost in tears. FX everything's ok.

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Oh bless you hun, hope everything sorts itself out soon, you must be so uncomfortable. xx
Going to the docs is the right thing, it could be something simple like bubs pressing on a nerve. FX xxx
About 2 weeks ago I had a really bad pain in my right side down at my hip, back and stomach which was like a severe stabbing pain .. was up all night/day crying in pain due to it!

Went to the docs that day & they referred me to the hospital to be checked and turns out the baby is lying on my bowel! Good news was that the baby was perfectly finee but the bad news is they couldnt really do much for me! I just had to wait for her to move over a little bit :?

Try not worry and just get yourself to the hospital & get checked out - hope everything is okay! :hugs:x
mines the same but my left side but i put it down to only being able to lie on this side x
Good luck hun, fingers crossed everythings ok xxx
About 2 weeks ago I had a really bad pain in my right side down at my hip, back and stomach which was like a severe stabbing pain .. was up all night/day crying in pain due to it!

Went to the docs that day & they referred me to the hospital to be checked and turns out the baby is lying on my bowel! Good news was that the baby was perfectly finee but the bad news is they couldnt really do much for me! I just had to wait for her to move over a little bit :?

Try not worry and just get yourself to the hospital & get checked out - hope everything is okay! :hugs:x

That's really intresting, I,ve been having the same, on and off for a few weeks now, the pain is truly awful and lasts for a good 10 mins, tho mine spreads underneath my bump too, I,ve been tested for uti,s but nothing, and they can,t think of what it could be, I,ve been thinking it could be my bowels coz it,s worse when just before or after a bowel movement. Think I,ll mention that to the mw next week xx
Hope everything's alright SarahLou! Hopefully it's just baby laying funny :)
About 2 weeks ago I had a really bad pain in my right side down at my hip, back and stomach which was like a severe stabbing pain .. was up all night/day crying in pain due to it!

Went to the docs that day & they referred me to the hospital to be checked and turns out the baby is lying on my bowel! Good news was that the baby was perfectly finee but the bad news is they couldnt really do much for me! I just had to wait for her to move over a little bit :?

Try not worry and just get yourself to the hospital & get checked out - hope everything is okay! :hugs:x

That's really intresting, I,ve been having the same, on and off for a few weeks now, the pain is truly awful and lasts for a good 10 mins, tho mine spreads underneath my bump too, I,ve been tested for uti,s but nothing, and they can,t think of what it could be, I,ve been thinking it could be my bowels coz it,s worse when just before or after a bowel movement. Think I,ll mention that to the mw next week xx

yeah you should say to your midwife about it and get it checked! i had the pain back last night but i feel alot better about knowing what is actually wrong when i get these pains and means im not panicking thinking there is something wrong with my baby :) unfortunatly though i just have to bare with the pain as there is nothing they cant do but i dont mind as long as my wee baba is okay :lol: xx
I was sat in the MAC (Maternity Assessment Clinic) for SO many hours before being given a bed and poked and prodded before being told that my ligaments were stretching and had gone into spasm which is why it was so UBER painful. However, baby's fine and they gave me some awesome painkillers. I've got to stay and relax and try to move as little as possible until they calm down in a few days :). Thanks for all the X'd fingers ladies :) just relieved it wasn't my appendix being a douchebag! xxxxx

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Glad to hear it was nothing serious and just you growing! Hopefully it won't last. At least it gives you a good excuse to rest up!

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