Getting fussy at eating!


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2005
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Arianna has always loved her food and I know they all say they go through an akward stage with eating but it's getting beyond of joke now!

She has always eaten anything... she used to get excited if she saw an avacado as it was her fav, but now I have to kinda force her to eat.

Any suggestions? Or how long does it usually last?!?!

firstly I wouldn't make her eat, it will only make it feel negative. Isaac went through a stage of refusing things that he loved. I think its more a power thing than a food thing. Kids don't eat because they need to they eat because they want to. I found it really stressful when Isaac refused his food but my OH was really patient and would sit with him for as long as it took before he ate some food. He used to read him a few books and just take his mind off eating then 9 times out of 10 Isaac would eat without even thinking about it.

Isaac still refuses things somedays but I guess he just doesn't fancy what I have made him. Now he can talk a little though I can ask him what he wants at least.

It does get easier!!! :D
well... you know what I meant, I dont physically force her to eat, but usually she feeds herself with the spoon, but I am having to spoon feed her over a loooong time as every 2nd mouthful she shakes her head at!
Yeah I know what you mean. Isaac used to do the same for a while. Might be teeth? I never worked out what it was with Isaac. I put it down to him trying to have a little control over meal times and me. I'm lucky I have such a patient OH. I did also find with Isaac though that as he got older he needed longer gaps between meals. At least 5 hours, not 4 like when they have their milk. He has little snacks in between meals, like raisins, grapes and occasional biscuits, but other than if I try and give him meals 4 hours apart he picks at it but if I wait 5 hours you can really see the diferenct once he is properly hungry.

Toddlers are fussy eaters and they won't starve themselves. Sometimes Kai eats everything I give him and wants more, sometimes he just sits there playing with his food and has no interest in it.

The time will come when she will start eating again, you just have to be patient, I know easier said than done.

I have found with Kai he likes to be independent and he has to do EVERYTHING by himself with regards to feeding.
Kids go through a picky phase at about two - both my older children did. A pediatrician told me its to do with learning to be more selective re food. It will pass if you dont make too much of it, it will be less traumatic and will pass faster.

:hug: :hug: :hug:


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