Gestational diabetes?


Aug 5, 2007
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i was wondering if anyone has it or not?

my baby was "grabbed" by a midwife nearly 4 weeks ago who informed me he was exceptionally large. I wasnt measured or anything
3 days after that, I had my 4d scan and I asked them to plot his growth and he's just over the 50th centile, so not enourmous at all.

Then, the following week, at antenatal, I told my midwife who measured me, and I was 4 weeks ahead of dates. I was very overweight when I fell pregnant so it stands to reason my bump is going to be bigger, but she wasn't accepting that, and neither did she want to accept the growth report from the private scan.

INstead she told me I probably have GD, (no sugar in my urine, BP fine, no otehr symptoms) and as a result, I've had a fasting blood test, and I've got to see my consultant on Thursday.

needless to say I've been very worried by it all, because no one has really explained what it means other than giving birth to a baby the size of a 3 month old!

I've done a bit of research and I know more or less what it involves now, but I'm just worried that I wont be treated properly.

Any advice would be wonderful.
hey hun,

I wish my midwifes were as concerned about me as they are about you, don't start worrying because its nothing to worry about.

I have been borderline diabetic since i was about 13 so me and my mum have been keeping a veery close eye on my blood sugar because in pregnancy some women can develop diabetes then when the baby has gone so will the diabetes. Basicallyif you have diabetes your body isn't handling the sugar intake as it should - resulting in higher blood sugar content in your blood.

It can cause your baby to be larger than normal- although i do have to say that no sugar in your urine which is the biggest sign along with the report from your scan that it isn't overly big i am not sure why the midwife is panicing so much. But that said its good to get checked out.

Do you know what your results were from your fasting tests?

I have requested one and have mine on wednesday because i have had sugar in my urine since 28 weeks and last week it was confirmed via a growth scan that i was measuring at 38 weeks nd the baby was 6lb6oz at 34 + weeks....which the house officer kindly put as "large for dates". No concern so i requested my test.

If you do have gestational diabetes it can be controlled and will not harm your baby in any way apart from it may be on the large side. Sometimes it can be something like changing your diet cutting out sugary drinks and food, or otherwise it can be tablets an worse case scenario its insulin but thats very rare.

Good luck with the consultant and anything you don;t understand make sure you ask.

I hope this helps hun, any questions or want to chat about anything i am here.
Thanks for replying hun.
I don't know why there was a massive panic either because after researching on the net, I was displaying no symptoms. If the bloods come back positive I'll be worried!
I had them taken 2 weeks ago, and I havent heard anything, so I can only assume all is ok, but I'll find out on thursday when I have my consultant visit.
If I still measure LDF I'll ask for a scan there and then because I've been so worried for the past few weeks I can't handle the stress.

I don't think I look that big personally.
Usually they get the results back within a couple of days so i would suspect everything is ok. They come back a numerical figure like 5.5 just ask the consultant what it was and i am sure she will explain there are no issues.

Glad to have helped it doesnt help when you dont have a measuring large for dates are ya? Yeah iam too it sucks doesnt it!

Good luck for consultant visit.

I was measuring 4 weeks ahead, no idea what I am now.
But then when you're a big girl you're bound to be bigger!
Results are within 24 hours, apparently.

I wasn't small to begin with either
Well, I went to clinic yesterday and they're not impressed with my MW.
They said she should have waited for the blood results, which would have taken a cople of days, before making me go to clinic.

I've been worrying for weeks over nothing!!

My bloods are absolutely normal, and my fundal height is fine as well, 31 weeks yesterday and I measred 31.5, so fine.

They said she was wrong for disregarding the growth scan I had, because there is nothing to indicate that I had GD, so I've been released back to my midwife, but I don't want to see her again.

I've only seen her 4 times I think, inclding booking in.

My next antenatal is with my GP, next week so I'm going to discuss my options with her.
Hey hun,

So glad everything was fine.....if your not happy with your midwife hopefully you can see someone else. Its not fair how they seem to be able to panic you rotten for weeks.

I had my GTT results and yes as last time they are impaired so i have been referred to the diabetic midwife, in my eyes this is a little too late but with four weeks left hopefully i can stop bubba growing so much. i was measuring 39cm for 35 weeks so who knows what i am now i am 36 weeks.


Am pleased for you hun xxx
I was always at least 2cm above what I should have been with Isaac in the fundal height (which is rubbish anyway, I understand they needed it BEFORE scans but today it's just not needed).
If you wish to see another MW I would phone them and tell them, or just see your GP if that's enough for you, very best wishes :hug:

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