General chat/queries


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2007
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Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to to have a chat really with some other ladies ttc.
We are on our 3rd cycle of ttc and according to my calender I was due to ovulate on the 11th or 12th of July. I had my last period on the 28th June 2007. I am now on day 19 of this cycle and I am really wishing that this month will be our month. I had been BD with hubby like mad!!

I went to my nieces 1st birthday party on Saturday and there were babies all around!!! I am just so ready to be a Mum and me hubby so ready to be a Dad!!

I was wondering about when (if I a pg) can I expect to get symptoms and does everyone always experience symptoms? Today will only be either 5dpo or 6dpo I think!!

Sam xxxx baby dust to all xxx
Just wanted to wish you luck...

As for symptoms, each time with me has been sore boobs about 5-7 days before I would be due on. That and suddenly feeling exhausted for no reason!

Hi and good luck - symptoms can vary from pregnancy to pregnancy even with the same woman, some don't have any. If you do - it'll be post implantation which is usually 5 - 12 dpo :D
Thank everyone, I was just wondering as I am 4 or 5 dpo not 5-6dpo!!! I would like a sign and I thought they only came early days past ov so I can still pray that i am eh!!!!

Baby dust to all xxx

Sam xxxx
Hi and welcome to the forum :wave: . We are in our second month of ttc, we already have a little boy who is 4 1/2 so are now desperate to add to our family. I should be due to test sometime this week (don't know when exactly as my cycles are all over the place!). So far I have had no symptoms and am starting to think this month is not our month. However with my little boy I didn't really have any symptoms apart from missed af, so you never know :D . Today, I have been feeling a bit yucky and sicky also tired but they could all be symptoms of af. Looks like I will just have to sit tight. Good luck with ttc and look forward to chatting to you.
Thank Fifi I feel a bit better now!! Good luck to you too and I hope you get the BFP you want!!
I feel a bit pully in my belly but i never know if I imagine things or not!!!
I just want to be one of the lucky ones who gets a bfp straight away!! I will be so gutted if not!! I have been wanting to be a mother now for years and my hubby finally decided we could try I was so happy and then looking into it properly I didnt realise there was so much to it!!!

Good luck to everyone ttc and I hope you all get the bfps soon!!!

I will keep you posted!!!
I didn't realise I was pregnant with James until about 11 weeks, didn't really have any symptoms until then.
The first I knew of it was when I started being sick, and thought it was a stomach bug at first.

I hope you get your bfp soon, this has been a good month for them so far :D
i didnt have no symptons till i woke up and said , i gotta test :rotfl:

then i did notice that i actually had a few but didnt really take no notice of them . like tiredness and bloating , cramps , all normal af signs !

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