Hi girls,
Just a couple of questions; I have managed to get to day 27 which is quite a miracle as I don't think I've been longer than about 22 days since I came off depo. I don't feel any different at all but think I will do a test tomorrow night anyway. I have noticed a faint line that has appeared on my tum, running from my bellybutton downwards. Has anyone heard of this before. It just sort of appeared on sunday morning. It definately isn't from my clothes.
My second question is about high cervix's. I have heard this mentioned a few times on the forum but haven't come across it before. What is that all about and why does it happen. Sorry if this is a daft question but I'm quite intrigued!
Just a couple of questions; I have managed to get to day 27 which is quite a miracle as I don't think I've been longer than about 22 days since I came off depo. I don't feel any different at all but think I will do a test tomorrow night anyway. I have noticed a faint line that has appeared on my tum, running from my bellybutton downwards. Has anyone heard of this before. It just sort of appeared on sunday morning. It definately isn't from my clothes.
My second question is about high cervix's. I have heard this mentioned a few times on the forum but haven't come across it before. What is that all about and why does it happen. Sorry if this is a daft question but I'm quite intrigued!