

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2015
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I'm losing momentum. I visited my go on Friday about my irregular cycles after depo. All he could suggest was taking the bcp but that wouldn't help since I'm ttc. I'm taking AC religiously and ordered dong quai. Sigh
So sorry Sk8. I was on the depo for a year ish. Took pill for 3 months as a lot say it regulates your cycles. Mine are more or less 28 days give or take an odd cycle. I hate the depo I have been TTC since Oct 2015 and have a GP app on thurs. Last time I went when I came off they were horrible and very useless. I have started temping as I was worried I wasn't ovulating - so far 3 temp charts say I am :) which has put my mind at rest for that bit. My LP isn't great but I am taking vits etc to help with that this cycle.

How are your cycles? It would be beneficial if you could temp. How much AC do you take? Xx
Thanks cockermum.
My cycles are all over the place, between 23-31 days. Af is never full on to the point where I need a sanitary towel. Each month it's just brown blood (sorry tmi). My sleeping habits are terrible (less than 5 hrs) and I read onew needs at least 7 hrs. I'm currently taking h&b brand AC so 2 tabs a day.
I would be worried about why you are not getting a good red flow of AF. Maybe ask doctors to bring on a period? Don't worry about tmi :)

No you only need a solid block of 4 hours. Maybe try and see what happens? Do you use OPKs?

Never taken AC but wondering if that's enough dosage? Xx
GP did say that he would have suggested bcp for AF but since I'm ttc, it would defeat the purpose. I'm using opks coz I need to know when to stop taking AC but I never seem to get a solid positive (eBay cheapies). I'll start temping again tomorrow and see how that goes
You can get other tablets that bring on an AF but not sure what they are called.

Defo do the temping :) look forward to seeing you chart :)

Will have a chat with a friend and see how much AC she takes xx
Hello, Im sorry its going to be a very quick reply Im just about to dash out!
I take angus castus on CD1 up until ovulation around 120g a day!
Its important not to take it past ovulation as it can cause miscarriage, which is why temping is really helpful. I never really got positive opks, The only thing that helped me know if/when I was ovulating was My ovusence. Good luck!
Sorry I cant say any more just yet, I'm running really late xxxx
Sk8erzeh, maybe think about trying acupuncture? That could be really helpful.
You defo need to get a proper period and not the BCP either as that may make things worse.

I would go and see a different GP. Alternatively, you could try soy isoflavones as they should make you ovulate and then get a proper period. Some ladies do take it to bring on a period.

My cycles used to be 24 days long but they are now 28 days. I take maca root capsules, I find it works better than agnus castus.

If you took maca or soy isoflavones you would have to stop the agnus castus. Xx
Thank you so much for all the advice ladies. I'm feeling a bit more hopeful. Hope I can get this depo out of my system asap

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