

Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2011
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Is there anyone else getting frustrated with the end of their pregnancy? I feel so guilty for feeling like this!
On wed I was 1/5 engaged, since then monkey has sunk further, making my pelvis ache and its a struggle to stand from sitting now. I also have piles and diarrohea and a constant need to pee. I have swelling in feet, calves and hands, I'm struggling to sleep due to leg cramps. I have 2 weeks left in work, where I have to drive an hour each way to and from, then on my feet most of the day (teaching teenagers) and its just all getting me down!
That added to a very stressful week (stepdad in hospital due to complications with chemo, heating broke, gas leak in house, stepmum having op) I've just reached the end of my stress levels!
Don't get me wrong I know the best place for monkey is still in there, but 3 weeks till due date, and the idea that I could still be like this in 5 weeks is no help! I can't wait to meet him, know what he looks like etc etc.
Anyone else had these feelings? Just want to know its normal!
Oh yes Hun I felt the same, especially with still working and having pressure to get things finished there as well. Once u finish work u will feel much better as u can put your feet up. All the physical symptoms really can get to u as well. It's been a long journey to full term and now u r here I can understand u wanting baby out!

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