friends with kids


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2008
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I have a friend who had his first back in Feb. Then another friend got his girlfriend of 1 month pregnant. He was telling me just before how he couldn't understand how I'd married so young and could commit like that and then all of a sudden she's pregnant and he's in love again. She delivered last week. My best friend over here has just had her 4th, I live next door to a 9 month old (another 2 accidents right there) and my original friend (whose wife doesnt even like him and rarely ever sleeps with him) is having another baby in July. When the second one we lost would have been due.

I KNOW it's really selfish of me to feel sorry for myself and not over the moon for my friends but it just seems like EVERYONE around me is getting pregnant at the drop of a hat (and not losing them). How do you cope with this? It has just set me off again to a dark place I thought I'd escaped :(

Sorry to moan, I just don't know how you're supposed to keep the smiley face going when it feels like the world is rubbing it in my face.
I know exactly what you mean. My very dear friend's daughter has just got pregnant ~ she recently split up from her boyfriend so it was totally unplanned. She's already over 3months gone and has had no problems whatsoever. Part of me is utterly overjoyed for her and then there's this little demon in the back of my head saying why isn't that me, why hasn't she had any problems and she didn't even want to have children.

I'm sure our time will come soon sweetheart. It's just when you make your mind up that you want kids it seems all the more harder than before and it consumes your every waking and sometimes dreaming moment!

I just hang onto the fact that it will be my time soon and that child will be loved and wanted. We will make fantastic mothers because we want this to happen.

Try to stay strong hunny. You're surrounded by people who completely understand and feel the same way as you.

:hug: :hug:
Thanks you guys. I do feel utterly awful at resenting my friend so much as we are really close and he's wanted a child for ages. But he was telling me when we met how he didn't love his wife but because she was already pregnant he wanted to stay to help raise his baby. Now the first time they slept together after this kid was born she is pregnant again!

Makes me want to cry (who am I kidding, it's already made me cry lol).

I hate feeling jealous but I just want it so much!
i must admit since i mc last month i feel jealous of other women being pregnant! :hug:
god i could have easily written this hun everywhere i turn there is a bump or newborn and i feel so so jealous and hate them for having this baby deep down im not but just initial feeling gets to me esp close mates who go on and on and seem to rub it in my face and all i can do is try to smile and walk by now im much better with dealing with these things and it will take time hun i promise it will get easier.

give me a shout if you want to talk anytime xx :hug: :hug:
I just want to be pregnant so much. I know I will worry that it will go the way of the other two but I just want my bean in there and I will feel happier. I bumped into yet another pregnant acquaintance this afternoon. She has ballooned overnight and, although puffy, still looks gorgeous. I HATE feeling so childish and resentful but I can't seem to help just feeling this insane jealousy. It's not like I want them to miscarry, I just don't want anyone getting pregnant now until I am :lol:

Sorry :oops:

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