Freedom for Merv's mum


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2009
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Have you had/are you having a nice last day ever :yay:

Its her last day of work before becoming a SAHM :D
Keef is sooooo my bitch.....

I'm just troughing my last ever portion of soggy chips from the canteen! I've got some lovely flowers and chocs and baby BOY clothes!! :lol: The head did a nice speech about me.....apparently....I missed it coz I was having a row with some kid who just came back with a letter of apology!! :rofl:

Just nipped to the MW for my HIP form and back now for the last few hours.....working my way through the Belgians ;)
Oh and I have 'acquired' a fitness/birth ball from the PE department....:oooo:
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enjoy stuffing yourself with Choccies on your last day love
:yay: Glad to hear you're working hard on your last day :lol:
Glad to hear you're enjoying your last day :yay:

Do they know you're not coming back yet? :lol:
:yay: :yay: Last days at work are for messing around anyway, and this close to the chocolates! Bounce on the ball! :D
Tonks - they know I'm not intending to return but officially I've not resigned.....HR told me not to.....they've taken a risk and advertised my job permenantly and my replacement starts in January......technically I can return if I want to and they'd be over staffed....I might wind them up a bit nearer to the time :lol:

Toffee - I darent get on the needs more air in it and I dont think I'd get back off it! :lol:
Has it sunk in yet that you're a SAHM? :)
:lol: No! I dont think it will for about a year.....I think I'll feel like I'm on maternity leave again, which technically I am....I think it might be when I finally resign officially....
i love my ball when i had one for birthing used to sit on it all the time coming up to the birth its good for your pelvis before and during birth to get baby settled in then to pelvis then to come out they well comfy i had no problem getin on and off x

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