Free Maternity Clothes!


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2005
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i am trying to sort some stuff out this weekend and im stuck with what to do with my maternity clothes. I was going to sell them on ebay but ive had my wear out of them. They are still in ok condition, but id rather give them away. there is:
Mothercare jeans size 16, lived and died in them, but still good nick!
beige mothercare cords size 16
size 16 dottie p's pink cardi
mothercare white shirt size 16
H+M red and white stripy 3/4 sleeve tee
black george 3/4 sleeve top
red v neck dotty p jumper
mothercare jeans, light weight draw string waist
new loook dungarees, brand new never worn (washed tho!) size 16 but not maternity, but look good!

If i find anything else ill shove it in too. All stuff is either a 14 or 16,
All i ask is that you pay the postage,
If any one is interested PM me!
Oh my god, just re-read this post it makes me sound like im giving away my scruffy old clothes....Im not honest! No wonder no one wants them!!!!They are all still smart really embarrassed now! :oops:
Oh well ill give them to charity tommorrow when they re-open :oops:
you don't sound like that at all!! i'd of had them off you for next time but they're not my size. can't believe no one took you up on this :?
Was thinking the same thing. If they were my size I'd bite your hand off for 'em!

I've been spending a fortune on clothes and have started looking in the charity shops to save money.

I bet if you donate them you'll make someone's day!
LOL Hels, fancy trying to get rid of your cast offs :wink: If I was pregnant again I would have wanted some of them but am not so some-one else will have to have them.
yep i think its great hun but im a size 10
You are so lovely! I think you should have posted in 2nd trimester as perhaps people didn't see the message. If they were my size I would jump at the chance!

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