Four days and counting


Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2005
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Hi everyone i finally finish in four days I have a midwife tomorrow which means only 3 more days of travelling in. :dance: :dance:

I have a stinker of a cough at the mo too and cant wait to finish.

I then have an appointment with my consultant on Monday to hopefully be told an induction date at 38 weeks :lol: :lol: :lol:

Sarah x
hi hun why might they induce you?

im in the same boat as u with the cough its horrid and keeps me awake allllll night!!!!!!!!
Hi Dionne,

I currently have to inject myself daily with blood thinning agents as I have had a dvt in the past.

apparently the injections have to be stopped 2 days before labour and because they cannot predict when i will go into labour they want to induce it and give me a date to stop injections.

I cant wait my thighs really hurt when injecting now. I have been doing it since 22 weeks.
oh u poor thing and i get anoyed with having my bloods taken lol
Lucky you. I have 2 more weeks to work. Really tired now so can't wat to finish. Hopefully the next few weeks will fly by as I can't wait to give birth now.
Hi Freya,

I cant wait I am really fed up now and I am slowly loosing my patience. My boss thinks I am a fit young secretary capable of carrying heavy files and sitting for hours taking dictation, and not a heavily pregnant one unable to sit for an hour as she gets very uncomfortable not forgetting the constant cups of coffee that he requires!!!!

I am sure I am going to have to change my number even when I am on holiday he calls expecting notes to be dictated and flowers to be ordered !!! :wall: :wall:

I was going to work until 37 wks but when they mentioned early induction I decided to change this to 35 wks to give me some time to get sorted.


The bloods are not to bad it is the injections that get me, especially when it hurts just putting the needle.

Freya not long now You may beat me yet I recon they will induce at 39 wks so you could beat me still.

I hope your pregnanyc is going well.

Dont get me excited by saying I may beat you. I bet i will go over (OMG). Heres hoping that we are both delivered by our due date. Do you know what you are having?
Hi Freya,

We decided not to find out the sex, I asked Nick ast night if he wanted to find it out himself and tell me when the baby is born or if he wants the midwife to say what it is when its born.

Bless him he got really scared incase he got it wrong :think:

I saw my midwife yesterday I am now 3/5 enaged and she has planned a sweep for the 11-04-06, to try and get my cervix ready for the induction.

:dance: :dance:

Cant wait but you may still beat me I recon it will be about 39 weeks and no earlier.

We don't know the sex either so I am really excited. I think it is a boy and so does OH but not bothered what it is really. I hope 38/39 weeks. Sounds long enough now!!

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