Found out today mc @9+4 weeks


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2012
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Hi everyone, firstly can I say sorry for all of your losses, I guess if you're reading this part of the forum then you have suffered terrible news . I found out today that I have/am miscarrying. I started bleeding last Sunday so has been 5 days now. I thought I'd give it a couple of days as I have read that it's quite common. Anyway it was more like a period on Wednesday so I arranged my scan today. I had kind of got my head around the fact that it was happening although I wasn't in any pain so there was a little part of me that still had hope. Anyway all was confirmed today unfortunately . I have chosen to go natural bit would really like to know what to expect. I have read leaflets etc but want to know first hand how bad it'll be so I can prepare myself.
I have to go back for a second scan on 31st may as there wasn't a second sonographer available to confirm and apparently it's formality to have 2 to confirm.
Thanks for reading 💙
So sorry sweetie. My natural losses were earlier than yours and was just like a heavy period with cramping but nothing that a hot water bottle and paracetamol/brufen didn't help. I opted for surgical management with my 8 week loss and medical management with my 13 week loss.
Did they say when the pregnancy stopped developing?
My advice would be to relax as much as possible, take regular paracetamol and brufen as its better to have pain relief on board in preparation for any cramping to prevent it becoming too bad rather than waiting then it's harder to shift the pain.
Every miscarriage is unique to the individual and experiences will differ person to person. I hope it's over as quickly and painlessly as possible for you. Take care xx
So sorry to hear you have lost your baby, I have had 2 MMC's 11.5 weeks and 10weeks as I'm based in Ireland the standard approach is Surgical Management within 2 to 7 days. I would take things as easy as you can and try to keep other stresses to a minimum. Sending you lots of strength & hopefully it is over quickly. Make sure you keep talking to family & get lots of support x
So sorry for your loss. I had a MC in October it was heartbreaking. I had spotting and went for a scan the next day. We found out at 10+2 that baby had died about a week before. My bleeding was heavy, to the point I got into trouble from it. Looking back I should have gone to hospital sooner but my experience is unusual. From reading others experiences most often you wiil have heavy bleeding and clots for a couple of hrs then pass the sac and bleeding will go back to period like bleeding. In my case I didnt pass the sack whole. After the heavy bleeding it returned to period like bleeding and I lost small pieces of tissue and small/medium clots for about a week. Sorry if its TMI but I found it really helpful to read posts from others as it woild have been scarier not having any idea what to expect.

Lots of hugs.
Thank you for your kind words and responses....
They didn't say at what stage I had the loss. I have been bleeding since Sunday and ironically it is so much lighter today. It has been like a very very light period. I'm hoping it'll happen soon though as the waiting around for it to happen is hard.
I am going back for a second scan on 31st May to confirm that I have miscarried as there wasn't a second sonographer there and this is the earliest they could rescan. Hopefully things would have moved along by then and I can find out a bit more info as I would like to know at what stage it happened.
It's so sad that we all have to go through this. I have felt upset and so sad, a sadness that o have never felt before.
Hopefully all will be over soon and we can move on with life.
Thanks again and sending you all big hugs back xxx
My latest loss was around 7 weeks to be honest it was just like a really heavy period and lots of blood clots but I knew when I had passed the baby I didn't know what to do, was I supposed to keep it and bury it or flush it down the loo nobody tells you what you're meant to do after if you actually manage to see baby, if the bleeding was heavy and has got lighter again you may have already passed baby. For all my babies I've lost I've planted a little rose bush in memory of each one so as the months years pass I see them grow and they're not forgotten they were loved and wanted, sadly I have too many beautiful rose bushes in my garden now but all I can say is you will be ok and you will get through it just take all the time you need there is no rush and no time limit on grief, my first was definitely my worst as my grandad had died the day before so was grieving for them both, it's not that it gets easier just the pain is different

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