

Well-Known Member
May 26, 2006
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What formula do you use and why?

My baby is on SMA Gold 3/4oz every 3/4hrs but his poo is big and hard and he seems windy so I'm thinking of changing.

We use Comfort because the SMA Gold made Stanley constipated.

Comfort is thicker which helped his reflux but his poo was always liquid on it and it smelt like rotten eggs :puke:
i used SMA with my 2 boys - they were fine with it - but it made my dd' skin flare up (ezema) so i put her on wysoy - was very easy on the digestive system and she never got a tummy bug (seems more likely with dairy products) hoping to bfeed this time but would go straight to wysoy again cos i much preferred it (i think it was still made by SMA) - smeels like steamed spuds though :puke:
So if baby is sick sometimes a little sometimes a lot after a feed do you think Comfort would help ease this?
What size teats do you use with comfort, I've heard it's thicker than regular formula and so size 2 or 3 teats are best.

We had to go straight to stage 3 teats.

Stanley was still sick a little after feeds for a long time, but not often the projectile fountain he started off with :lol:
Jake has always been fine on SMA Gold so i'm not much help really. Sorry
I used cow and gate with stephen and found it brillant.It even had a nice taste to it!
He wolfed his bottles down no problem and never had a probelm withg his poo, he was a bit colicy but thats due to his digestive system and bottles then the milk.

Am going to use it again despite the amount it has risen in the past few years
I use aptamil, i started Charlie on sma but had to change it when he became constipated. Have had no problems on aptamil.
Started on sma. Made him really constipated so switched to aptimil. Always really sick on that so on C&G comfort which is great. I was told formula is like a man and his pint, you'll eventually find the right one
We started on Sma gold but that made Keeley constipated... so we moved on to cow and gate :D
we used cow and gate, we started on sma until i found out about the cute spoon levelling thing built into cow and gate cartons so changed but alana seemed to prefer it too
I have been told to try apatamil for my LO as he is puking up formula and HV said it is the closest to breat milk
Thanks ladies, I spoke to HV who was as helpful as ever (not) she asked me a couple of questions and said it's up to you.
I also mailed Cow & Gate who avised either their premium milk or Aptimil because of the good bacteria thingies that help digestion that SMA don't have.

So we started on C&G Premium and fingers crossed we'll have runnier poos soon :lol:

He was on Aptamil to beging with, then we switched to Cow & Gate Comfort to see if it would help with his reflux. Its actually made it worse, he is throwing up more and his poos are green :(. Going to switch back to Aptamil
We started on SMA but have since changed to Cow&Gate and Isaac is doing brilliantly on it, it's very frothy though, so to be careful not to let LO drink froth, we sometimes make an extra ounce worth so he doesn't get the froth, very best wishes :hug:
Just an update, we started Thomas on C&G Premium 1 on thursday and since then he's been less cranky and doesn't grunt half as much as he's managing to let the wind out both ends instead of suffering cramps (really stinks from the bottom end lol).
He's also had loads of poos and they're lovely and squidgy and stink just like you would imagine not solid on his poor little bum :cheer:
He's also taking his bottles a lot faster (at least 10mins quicker) than when he was on SMA Gold.

So I couldn't be a happier mummy :D

Thanks for the advice.

we use cow and gate step one because its what they used in SCBU
We use Aptimil as it the closest to breast milk and I had trouble breast feeding...we never had any probs what so ever-Ruby is rarely sick, or constipated and LOVES her bottles xxx

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