Formula Question


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2005
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Now Elliott is two weeks and things have become slightly less hysterical around here I have started using the powder mix formula rather than the o so expensive pre-made. I have a couple of questions though. On the side of the tin it says to put the cap on the bottle to shake it and then put the teat on before feeding. I have the Avent botlles and think that due to the design of the cap the milk would go all over the inside if I did this. Providing I've swooshed the powder and water enough for most of the powder to dissolve is it ok to shake with the teat on? Is it just in case some powder gets stuck in the hole that they say to put it on after? I am making it three feeds in advance and putting it in the fridge by the way (mixing when the boiled water is cold).

Also, am I right in thinking that if you make up the formula as the bottle suggests, i.e putting the right amount of water in first, that when you've put the powder in and shaken it it comes to more than the 4ozs or whatever. Thicko question I know but just thought I'd check as the brain is not in proper gear yet!

Also do you sterilise the knife? It just says clean and dry on the tin but I'm using water and Milton to sterilise and my Mum said not to put metal in it so should I get a plastic knife or is it not needed? Again stupid question but I've had no advice whatsoever about formula as all the support was for breastfeeding.

Thanks ladies

i dont steriliz the knife just make sure its clean i also put the teats on when i make my bottles up with the disk give them a good shake then put then in fridge :lol:
Hi Rosebay

I was checking what else I need to buy for our wee one earlier and noticed the bottles I have (mixture of Avent and Tommy Tipee) have a disc type thing under the cap - perhaps they mean to put that on then screw the plastic thing that would hold the teat in place? That would mean the milk is kept all the in bottle then I guess unscrew the plastic thing, remove the disc, put the teat on and screw the plastic thing up again?

My sister in law mixes hesr by putting her finger over the holes of the teat and shaking it.

Hope this helps, I'm so glad you're asking this stuff as I'm learning a lot and agree that there's lots of breastfeeding support but zilch for bottle feeding (I'm hoping to breastfeed but want to be prepared if I can't).

32 + 4
I also have the advent bottles and make them up with the teats etc, i think its like you said about the powder getting stuck so as long as you give it a good shake it should be fine.

yes you are right there appears more in the bottle after you have mixed it together! i wondered this in the beginning too!

which formula do you use? i use cow and gate and the tin has a built in leveler so i dont need to use a knife, but before i found that little invention inside i never used to sterilze the knife. if you did want to thou you can soak it in boiling hot water for 5 mins then this strelizes it. up to you thou, i never bothered!!
I mix up Ava's formula with the teats on as well. I've noticed it mixes up to more as well. I put in 6oz of water and after the 6 scoops of formula, it's nearly to 7oz. :?
I had mothercare bottles to start with and they didnt come with discs like they had when i had Emily but when i checked the teats touched top of bottle so nothing leaked out but i binned these for tommee tippee( see post on things i would happily bin!!!)
These are designed to reach cap as well, also i never steralise knife
I have the mothercare bottles (havent had a chance to buy anything else) so are they okie to use with formula? I've been expressing for Damien but he needs top ups as my supply seems to be drawing out...
Sami the mothernature mothercare bottles i had are fine with formula, but a word of warning the markings came off after 3 weeks so i swapped to tommee tippee disney ones and these are great

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