Formula question...


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2011
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Although I really want to breastfeed I know things don't always go to plan so am going to be buying formula just in case but I don't know which is the best one to go for.

Opinions please ladies :)
Everyone will say different. I've heard that Aptamil is meant to be the closest formula to breast milk.

I'm formula feeding though and I've chosen to go with Cow & Gate, as that's what I was brought up on when I was a baby :)
My SIL used aptamil at first, but it was alot more expensive than the others. She uses cow and gate now, and LO loves it just as much if not more
i went with cow and gate with my 2nd son and i breastfed for the first couple of weeks and he took to it no problem, it just seemed right to pick cow n gate as when u wean them most of the boxed stuff u mix with milk is cow n gate so i just thought more capatable!! :) my sister uses sma and i can say although all kids thrived it on it, i found it had the worst smell out of all the baby milks lol x

im sure whichever u chose to use ur baby will let u know if its right for them or not :)
My cousin works in a nursery and she said sma smelt quite nasty lol. Suppose its just a trial and error process but think i'm going more towards cow&gate at the moment!
Good thread! Im gonna buy some ready made formula incase either Pip or I get stressed.

Was gonna get SMA but am now gonna look into cow and gate x
Seems like Cow & Gate is the winning brand so far!
Good thread! Im gonna buy some ready made formula incase either Pip or I get stressed.

Was gonna get SMA but am now gonna look into cow and gate x

We started with the ready made stuff but it made Orlando constipated lol mw said it's common with the ready made so we switched to the powder and he is ok now! Just to warn u

I'm hoping to bf but I've bought sma as back up cause I thought it was the best DOH!!!! x
I tried many as top ups and Aptamil was the best out of 3. My lo is on prescription Aptamil now

sent from my Galaxy s2
It really depends on what suits your baby. Phoebe is on Aptamil because she has really bad colic and Aptamil is meant to be the best formula to ease it. I also heard it's the closest formula to breast milk xx
I've brought LO SMA, brought 4boxes and some ready made, now thinking he may disagree with it. Basically brought it because it's what me & OH had when younger and been around the longest. :)
Everyone has their on personal preference I think x
We started with sma but it didn't seem to go down too well whilst in hosp so we used aptamil when we got hone abd have never looked back!
i was planning on using sma as i heard it was closest to breast milk but that sseems to have been said about lots of brands so now im unsure
was gonna use the ready made too so thanks for the heads up on the constipation mrsmac, might still give it a go just to see how she gets on
I used sma with Thomas but this time using cow and gate xx

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