For recurrent miscarriage ladies-please read!


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2016
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I'm sorry for this long winded thread but I could really do with some advice

I've had 2 losses this year, one in April and the other in August

First one was a pregnancy of unknown location and treated as an ectopic with methotrexate

Second one was a blighted ovum, manual vacuum aspiration to remove pregnancy

Both were losses around the 5-8 weeks, when I told the hospital I was worried that something was wrong with me after the second loss I was told it's just 'one of those things' and no follow up was needed

Since the manual vacuum for my second loss, a month after the procedure i started getting abdominal and lower back pains, went to GP and got told it was a urine infection, given antibiotics, month later the pain came back with intermittent bleeding which I never get during my cycle, went to GP again as getting worried told is still a urine infection and more antibiotics

Still didn't clear it up and luckily saw a proactive oncall GP who said it's not a urine infection could be something called bacterial vaginiosis and prescribed metronidazole, she's done swabs etc and would call me if on wrong antibiotic, haven't heard anything so I presume it's what she thought it was, have a follow up appointment with her this Tuesday, just finished the antibiotics and got my fingers crossed they've cleared it up.

What I'm getting at really is can bacterial vaginiosis cause pregnancy losses?

Also I really want to be checked with blood tests/hormone levels to ensure all is well before we try again as really don't want to go through this a 3rd time, but don't you have to have 3 losses before they test anything like that? Are clinics like that NHS led and what is the process referral wise?

I will ask my GP the above questions also but just wanted the opinion of some ladies who have been through recurrent miscarriages and whether I could ask my gp for some kind of referral to get checked out with hormone tests etc

I know a lot of you ladies have suffered more losses and I'm moaning about 2, but with the added health problems I've had since my second loss I really can't take much more this year!

I just want to say thank you for taking the time to read this. X x
Hi Hun,

So sorry for your losses. There are many of us who have suffered multiple losses. I had 3 early losses before 6 weeks and then 1 blighted ovum. This was whilst trying to conceive my 2nd baby. As I had a section with my first I convinced myself they had damaged my womb somewhere. It's hard not to panic that there is something wrong inside and it's not just down to bad luck or good luck that you get a sticky.

My GP referred me after the 4th loss for recurrent testing. They would have done this after the 3rd but I didn't go until the 4th one happened. I had an appointment booked for May or June this year with a consultant at the hospital and my doctor said to keep trying in the mean time which I did. I was so desperate to fall I just put it to the back of my mind that it could happen again. I fell pregnant in March again anyway but kept my recurrent MC appointment just in case I lost it and just cancelled at the last minute as I was still pregnant and now I'm 36 weeks. I can't give you advice on what procedures they would have done though as I never got that far. Along the way after speaking to various medical professionals all them were like your MC unfortunately just sounds like bad luck! Before I got pregnant with this one that really wasn't what I wanted to hear though but looking back I'm guessing that was just the case.

Did they say you could of got an infection after the manual vaccine?

I'm not sure if BV can cause miscarriage. I've had it before and it stunk bad I thought it was thrush. If you are worried you may get it back (if that's what you have) then I would strongly advise taking a pro biotic for vaginal health. If you were on anti biotics that will have killed all your good bacteria as well as bad which these will help with and balance you back out. Since taking them my thrush has been at bay too (apart from in pregnancy). Also After my losses i wanted to take more care of myself that's why I went on a natural pre conception vitamin called viridian fertility for women and this vaginal pro biotic called femdophilus. I def started conceiving more after I took these and after the blighted ovum I finally conceived a sticky 2 months later.

Please keep strong I know it sucks but one day it will happen. Sorry for the long reply xx

Thank you so much tonks for your reply, think the dr said you can have the bv without even knowing as sometimes doesn't display symptoms and then all of a sudden it does so she thinks I could have had bv for a while without realising, I am currently downing the old live yoghurt as we speak! I suppose having it for a while isn't going to allow the baby to progress very well but who knows, just clutching at straws I suppose. Might look into the pre conception vitamin you've taken, worth a try! Going to have a good break from TTC, get my body into some kind of non infectious order and start thinking about TTC again in the new year. Have been rushing falling pregnant again as I'm 33 in February and worrying about my age but then there's some amazing women who have conquered falling pregnant in their 40s so hopefully theres still time yet!

Sorry for your losses and so pleased to hear of your happy ending! Best of luck with the rest of your pregnancy and not long now until your little one arrives! X x
So sorry for your losses and the problems you have had since your last miscarriage.
From my understanding BV can increase chance of miscarriage but not sure by how much.
Regarding testing after two, I don't think they will do a referral, to them it's not seen as an issue at that stage which is highly frustrating when you're the one going through it.
The process of testing is quite long, took a while to get an appointment and then had to have lots of bloods then repeat some of the bloods again 6 weeks later. If I had looked into it more I would of had the tests privately just to get it done quicker.
The chances are everything is fine and it was just 'bad luck'. All my tests came back clear, when going through it you think there must be a reason but in most cases there is no reason.
I wish you all the very best and I hope you get your take home baby soon xx
Thanks lisey, fingers crossed this metronidazole has done the trick for the bv, really annoying when GPs diagnose a urine infection when it's more than that! Just got to keep positive and hope we get there! Best of luck for the rest of your pregnancy! X x
They often do that. Very frustrating. I had to tell them I have endometriosis and they kept refusing to refer me to gynaecology even though I was getting mid cycle bleeding. It wasn't until I saw the head of the practice that I said to him that any unusual bleeding should be investigated and he agreed. They do tend to fob you off.
I am sure the antibiotics will do the trick and you will get there xx
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I have had two losses but two full term pregnancies inbetween so not quite the same. I am 37 so losses at my age are not that surprising. If I had two losses in a row I think I would be inclined to do some basic testing privately. Basic hormone tests and tests for things like Hughes Syndrome, which is one of the more common MC causes, are not that expensive. I wouldnt want to go through a 3rd loss and then find out something simple could have been done to stop it. I wouldnt bother testing for genetic disorders to start with as it does get quite expensive and even if they find a genetic issue there is nothing simle they can do to fix it. Unless you want to go down the path of selecting embryos all they can do is give you a risk ratio tell you to keep trying until you get a sticky baby.

In your case however if your first loss was an ectopic and your second a blighted ovum it seems unlikely they were related to the same issue? I would think in that case the doctors were probably right and you have just been unfortunate. Unfourtunately MC is common and usually has no particular explination. I am in no way an expert so these are only my thoughts. I know the chances of having a healthy pregnancy after two losses is still very high. I think BV is linked to an increased risk in tri 2 and premature babies but no link has been found with tri 1 losses. So sorry for your losses and hugs.
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I'm sorry to hear about your losses. How long have you been ttc and how long has it taken you to conceive each time? I just ask as if you have been ttc for a long time then you can be referred for mc testing sooner.

I conceived after 18 months, then mc. Then conceived after another 15 months and lost that one too. I was referred for testing after that (we were also being seen by the fertility clinic at the same time). I only had a couple of tests done as they found issues with the first test I had and offered me a place on a recurrent mc trial based on that result (it was a problem with thyroid antibodies when you have normal thyroid function).

There are so so many reasons that mc happens, unfortunately most you can do nothing about and so it is not financially viable for the NHS to test everyone after a mc, which I understand but it is difficult when you are the one with the heartbreak each time. In your position I would certainly keep on at them until they sort your random bleeding and pains out as that is not normal. Hopefully solving that problem will enable you to conceive again and this time be the one. Good luck.
Thanks so much everyone, snowbee, I have been lucky in a sense, conceived the first time on second cycle, then after the first loss conceived 3rd cycle after that, but just a struggle to keep hold of them!

I will see the GP again on Tuesday, follow up appointment after the metronidazole and to see how I'm feeling. Does anyone know if they re- swab you to check the bv has gone or is just word by mouth if I feel symptom free? Thankfully so far the pain and intermittent bleeding seems to have stopped, touch wood!

Bunny, that's how I see it, if it's something simple to resolve, don't want to go through a 3rd loss, Maybe I could ask gp about the simple blood testing you're talking about, or maybe as you said as the 2 aren't related just pure bad luck, I'll discuss that with her, thanks.

Thanks so much everyone, and good to see you've all gone on to conceive and got your sticky ones, makes me feel hopeful! X x
Hi keeponhoping.

I've had 4 miscarriages in a row within a year, 3 lost naturally and 1 was a blighted ovum which I also had to have removed surgically.

I'm now 7wks pregnant and have had an early scan and so far all ok. All I can say is to not give up hope. Mine were investigated and nothing was discovered to be a cause. All I would say, is this time I took in a urine sample and vaginal swab to the gp as soon as I found out I was pregnant so I could get treated ASAP if I had anything (I didn't) I also cut out gluten and caffeine and only did the deed around ovulation and not after in case my eggs were lasting longer than they should! Who knows... there's not enough research into what causes miscarriage, and I genuinely believe there is a reason but I've just got to hope that this one carries on cooking as it should.

Good luck Hun xxxx
Hiya. I dont have much different to add but didnt want to look like i was ignoring this thread.
The good news is after 2 mcs the odds that the next one will be sucesful is similsr to if you had no mcs. The bad news is they are reluctant to run tests if you havnt gone through the ordeal 3 times. I think you can ask your gp to run basic thyroid function tests.

If your concerned that the antibiotics havnt eorked after your course you can test at home with this

This can also be used in pregnancy should you get pregnant again and wish to check.

Wishing you all the luvk in the world for your rainbow soon hun x
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Thank you bythesea, thanks for the tip that if I'm lucky enough to fall pregnant again I will def take in the urine sample and get a swab done to ensure the bv has not returned as I've heard it can reoccur so better to be safe than sorry! Gp has also told me to stay away from highly perfumed shower gels as not good so she recommended using these water based wet wipes and I actually feel an awful lot better for using them.

Just going to get over Xmas and look at TTC after that, want to enjoy xmas without anymore worrying!

Sorry to hear of your losses, and you have fallen pregnant again after all you have been through which is wonderful to hear, I hope you have a trouble free pregnancy and congratulations!

Thank you so much for your reply, I really appreciate everyone who has taken the time to do this. X x
Thanks ery, very helpful, might ask the gp to do the basic test you've said about, worth a shot I suppose! Many congratulations on your pregnancy. X x
Hi ladies, interesting reading through this thread as I've just had my second loss.

Bythesea, I've "liked" one of your posts by mistake, apologies, my thumb got stuck when I was scrolling :)
Also interested reading through this after my second loss.
That's good you have found a sympathetic GP keeponhoping and i hope the metronidazole sorts out the infection.
Very heartening to hear some happy endings here, it will work out ok I'm the end for us, but it's so hard when you are going through it.

My second loss was a chemical, AF started a week later than normal. I was under the impression from my googling that this is not counted as a miscarriage. Which is sort of a comfort if my future risk of losses doesnt really increase very much after having one mc. But at what point does it cease to be a chemical pregnancy and become a clinical pregnancy. Is it around 6 weeks?

Also came across some research from a few years ago that talked about some women being super fertile and this being linked to an increased risk of mc. They found in a study that the uterine cells from women who had had recurrent MCs were more likely to accept low quality embryos. The 'normal' women accepted only the healthy embyros and so more likely to have a successful pregnancy, but might take them a little longer to get pregnant. Does that make sense? Not sure if anyone else can relate to this experience.

Syd, I'm so sorry to hear you had an early loss too. Sending you big hugs and everything crossed that you get your sticky bean soon.

This business is so hard, frustrating and depressing and heartbreaking when it's not happening and then nerve wracking and a complete emotional rollercoaster if/ when you do get pregnant.
Hi, I am sorry for your losses. I came across the opinion, that even poor sperm quality might be the reason of mcs. Also chromosomal issues (trisomies of chromosomes 2, 7, 15, 16, 17, 22- can be diagnosed with the use of PGS NGS) might be the reason of recurrent pregnancy loss. If someone experiences multiple mcs, additional tests are usually advised.
I'm sorry for this long winded thread but I could really do with some advice

I've had 2 losses this year, one in April and the other in August

First one was a pregnancy of unknown location and treated as an ectopic with methotrexate

Second one was a blighted ovum, manual vacuum aspiration to remove pregnancy

Both were losses around the 5-8 weeks, when I told the hospital I was worried that something was wrong with me after the second loss I was told it's just 'one of those things' and no follow up was needed

Since the manual vacuum for my second loss, a month after the procedure i started getting abdominal and lower back pains, went to GP and got told it was a urine infection, given antibiotics, month later the pain came back with intermittent bleeding which I never get during my cycle, went to GP again as getting worried told is still a urine infection and more antibiotics

Still didn't clear it up and luckily saw a proactive oncall GP who said it's not a urine infection could be something called bacterial vaginiosis and prescribed metronidazole, she's done swabs etc and would call me if on wrong antibiotic, haven't heard anything so I presume it's what she thought it was, have a follow up appointment with her this Tuesday, just finished the antibiotics and got my fingers crossed they've cleared it up.

What I'm getting at really is can bacterial vaginiosis cause pregnancy losses?

Also I really want to be checked with blood tests/hormone levels to ensure all is well before we try again as really don't want to go through this a 3rd time, but don't you have to have 3 losses before they test anything like that? Are clinics like that NHS led and what is the process referral wise?

I will ask my GP the above questions also but just wanted the opinion of some ladies who have been through recurrent miscarriages and whether I could ask my gp for some kind of referral to get checked out with hormone tests etc

I know a lot of you ladies have suffered more losses and I'm moaning about 2, but with the added health problems I've had since my second loss I really can't take much more this year!

I just want to say thank you for taking the time to read this. X x

Hi keeponhoping, me again, I hope your doing okay. We are in a very similar situation regarding the timing of our last losses and the useless docs!

There's nothing worse than being told to just keep trying, I really don't know what I'll do of we manage to conceive again and it happens again. To be told it's just one of those things is the worst. I think we are also going to wait until after Xmas to ttc again, I'm working nightshifts at the moment combined with my day job so I haven't been seeing my husband and have no time to sleep never mind BD lol plus I think nightshifts take their toll and mess with your body anyway so we will wait till after Xmas and then give it another go I suppose

Regarding the BV I have heard from other girls on here that their gp tested them as soon as they were pregnant because of the risk. I think BV is a really under diagnosed thing which has only just started to become more mainstream with the home testing kits etc. I'm actually getting one this week because I feel like somethings up down there but I also kept getting fobbed off with urine infection and thrush. When I went for my last smear after the last miscarriage the nurse mentioned I was extremely red inside and asked if I had recently had thrush or anything but when I said to doctor they really weren't interested. There doesn't seem to be a definitive list of symptoms either which is really annoying and hard to determine.

I'm currently waiting on hearing anything from the hospital after the doctor very reluctantly referred me for testing in August because I pushed that it was my 3rd MC. Still haven't heard anything tho and seen a different doc last week who said there was nothing on my notes about being referred so I really hope I'm not sitting here waiting for a referral that's not happening!

Anyway, lovely to see your post (minus the circumstances obv) and keep us updated xxx
Aww, Clairedoll, you are my back bone on this forum as like you say we have been through very similar situations, and I thank you so much! In the end i had thrush too, bv is all cleared up now. That fluconazole works an absolute treat for thrush, highly recommend if you are suffering from thrush too.

I'm definitely holding off until after Xmas for TTC, just want to enjoy xmas after this horrible year and not worry about anything as i feel I've worried this last year of my life away, so I'm going to eat, drink and be merry to make up for it!

I hope you get that referral sorted, I get sick of the inadequacy of people sometimes don't you! As if you haven't been through enough to then have to chase people to get them to do their jobs properly, it gets on my nerves!

It's lovely to hear from you again too. X x
I dip in and out of the forum lovely, you know it just gets obsessive at times and you need to take that step back from everything, but I always check in to see how the girls I speak to are doing and I'm always here for you should you need a wee rant or someone to talk to!

Eat drink and be merry sounds like a brilliant plan, Post-Christmas babies for us, I can feel it in my bones 2017 will be our year! 7 is my lucky number and that's kinda in there haha! Then we hopefully won't have to bother with the waiting months to be seen by fertility docs!

Take care and talk soon Xx

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