Food Poisoning


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2014
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Hi ladies

I feel absolutely rubbish! I have been poisoned by take away. Can't stop vomiting and the stomach cramps are horrendous. I've just called the maternity ward because the cramps have moved down and now feel like period type pains and I'm having some light spotting. I've been told to go in but it's the middle of the night I have no one to look after my other children and I don't feel I can drive myself! I feel so dizzy and weak. I am so worried but I just don't know what to do!
Get to the maternity ward asap. I went in with suspected food poisoning just after Xmas, everything was fine but better safe than sorry. Can you get a friend or family member to look after your little one? Xx
Hope you went and that they checked you over and hope you are ok. Food poisoning can be awful and hydration is so important with food poisoning as a lot of people do not realise they are dehydrated. I was in hospital ten days when I had food poisoning I wasn't pregnant then as it was a couple of years ago but I will never forget it.
I rely hope you got to the hospital ok and they have helped and reassured you baby is ok. Let us know xx
I hope you are okay and you made it to hospital! xxxx
Hi ladies

I got a taxi to the hospital while hubby waited at home! He wasn't happy about it but needs must. Baby is absolutely fine they said rest and hydration is the best. The bleeding was my erosion on my cervix, again nothing to worry about.

I do however feel absolutely shocking. My stomach is really sore and I feel so weak and dizzy. I've just tried a slice of plain toast which has made it worse x back to bed and a big sleep for me!!

Thanks ladies xx

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