Food intolerance

aramintalovegrove said:
I think i may have developed an intolerance to something. I already only drink/cook with soya milk but everytime I eat I feel so :puke: bloat right up, stomach cramps and hives all over my boobs. It seems to be any meal rather than just when I eat wheat (an obvious 1st contender)

I want to sort this out as my chesticle area look rank and I feel so ill. I thought it best to do some eliminating of food stuffs coz I know the GP will be suggesting that if I see them.

Anyone been through this and how did you find out what was your trigger foods?

Advice and suggestions welcome :)

I went to Holland and Barrett where they do a non-intrusive food intolerance test. My then OH came out as intolerant to a lot of things (no surprise as he had a lot of problems with his skin and breathing) but I had a very small list. Unfortunately my list was: CHEESE, POTATOES. Mer! My two favourite foods! I do always get the runs after cheese though.

Interestingly Connie is now showing symptoms of being sensitive to potato too, but not cheese.

Not sure if you can get a skin prick one?

What you describe though (the hives etc) sounds more like a full-blown allergy than a sensitivity. I would be tempted in your position to see your GP and see what he suggests...
:cry: Dont tell me I could be intolerant to potato!! I hadnt even thought of eliminating that!!

I had an allegy to papaya years ago and that was full blown eyes, throat, hands, puffy and itching, bloody horrid so i thought that this was more like intolerance than allegry :think: Dont think the worry of the last week has helped much either.

Maybe a docs app would be good, I always feel like Im being a hypochondriac (sp?) when I go
my mum can't eat wheat and also has a nut allergy; she has an epi pen for the nut allergy but when she was tested at the doctors for her wheat allergy they told her the tests said she wasn't.. but she most deffinately is! when she has wheat her stomach swells so much she can pass for 6months+ pregnant.. but apparently isn't allergic :think:

i can't have milk on cereal or a hotchocolate or cheese as it makes me feel sick for days but i can eat yoghurt, ice-cream and chocolate. it's strange.

if i were you i would just cut out one thing at a time for a week.

so one week have nothing containing milk, no dairy etc.
next week nothing with eggs in.
then no wheat..
no potato.

and just keep a diary of what you feel like each day them weeks because it's what they ask you to do if you go to the doctors, then maybe take it with you and show them if one stuck out more and they may then test you.

i know i can't have milk or cheese because i feel ill after but i've not gone to the doctors for it, i just avoid it. i have some tablets from holland&barrat that like neutralises everything when i do have milk. at the moment i'm attending an ICT course and after a hur we have a break and hot chocolate so i take a tablet half hour before then i can have my hot chocolate. so if you do find your allergic to something then look in holland&barrat because they do quite a few of these kind of tablets.
Booking an appointment with my GP seems everything is making me feel :puke: and blotchy, Im living on meat and soy milk as its the only thing thats not making me :puke:

Thanks for the advice girls :hug:
I suddenly developed a pretty bad reaction to MSG (we think) before christmas. I wonder if having a bambino has anything to do with it. I was taking a double does of anit histamines for weeks. My rash was all over my torso and upper legs and it bloody itched like mad. The only thing we could link it to was chinese food some of which had a massive MsG content. I've been fine since but won't touch foods high in msg with a barge pole.

ASD123456 said:
I suddenly developed a pretty bad reaction to MSG (we think) before christmas. I wonder if having a bambino has anything to do with it. I was taking a double does of anit histamines for weeks. My rash was all over my torso and upper legs and it bloody itched like mad. The only thing we could link it to was chinese food some of which had a massive MsG content. I've been fine since but won't touch foods high in msg with a barge pole.


I agree I think it is to do with having esme as before I was just not good with milk and allergic to papya, now its everything!! It seems to be worse when I eat whilst breast feedinng too :think:

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