

Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2007
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Hi girls, hope you are all well. I've been off here for a couple of weeks as we went to Canada for 2 weeks. My sickness kicked in big time whilst I was away! Anyway, I'm a little bit worried as the flight was 8 hours long and i've just read that this can be dangerous in the first tri as it can reduce the oxygen supply to the baby? Now I'm thinking I may have reduced the oxygen supply to the baby at crucial development times as I'm still in the 'formation' period, iykwim :?

My doctors advice to me before I went was that any flying in pregnancy poses an increased risk to me (dvt etc), and that the most vulnerable times in pregnancy are the middle of each tri?! Anyone else heard this? Lets just say, she didn't exactly reassure me about flying!

Any advice or reassurance appreciated.

Thanks Ladies

You will be fine as long as you follow some common sense guidelines.
I flew to Dubai, Hong Kong, Bangkok and home again when I was in first tri. The trip to Hong Kong is about 17 hours in total. Everything was fine apart from my legs swelled up a bit on my return, but they went down after elevating them above my heart when I went to bed that night.

Get some flight socks to reduce the risk of DVT.
Ask for an aisle seat so that you can move about every hour, do exercises and go to the loo.
Drink plenty of water regualrly. You can get dehydrated on flights, this makes your blood thicker and makes your heart work harder.
Eat small and regular snacks to help with nausea. (I was very nauseous and didn't eat at all whilst flying. I only threw up once in Dubai airport :D )

The radiation levels are very small and I am sure even flight crew are allowed to continue flying during first tri.
You and your little one will be absolutely fine. Enjoy Canada!!! :D
Thanks for all this advice happybunny! Wow, all that flying! You have really put my mind at rest.


I flew with both my girls (the first at 14 weeks and the second at only 7) and they are fine; I've just been to Spain for Christmas - had a scan 2 days after my return and current Goo was absolutely fine.

I couldn't find anything much to suggest the risk is significant, and the doctor and m/w I spoke to didn't seem to think it would be a problem.

I'm sure everything will be absolutely fine for you - all the best.
I flew 5 hrs when i was 7 weeks & same home & didnt have any problems, dont worry you'll be fine :)
I'm due to fly next week to Gibraltar and I haven't found any reason not too so I'll still be going ahead. My sister in law flew at 9 weeks pregnant and had a healthy baby boy 3 weeks ago.
Hi Everyone,

I've never known anyone who has had any problems. I think the only time you're not advised to fly is after 30 weeks when the risk of going into labour is higher.
Thanks for all the reassuring replies ladies. I think I just needed something to worry about! I think some doctors are scare mongerers, and I think mine is one of them!

I am sure even flight crew are allowed to continue flying during first tri.

Just to put this right - no, we are not. Noone wants a pilot flying their aircraft with all the lovely symptoms the first tri can bring! I am flight crew and was grounded the second I knew I was pregnant. According to the Civil Aviation Authority though, pilots CAN fly aircraft in their second tri, but my employer has a policy that once you are grounded, it is till after the baby is born. Even so you don't find out you are pregnant straight away so everyone who flies for a living flies a little bit unwittingly in their first tri.

Anyway - back to the question in hand. You are fine to fly while pregnant right up until the cut off date for the airline you are flying with, which is typically 28-30 weeks. This is usually because cabin crew are not trained to deal with handling a birth on board. Sometimes you can get a letter from your doctor if you absolutely have to fly but I wouldn't recommend going on holiday past this point. More for your own comfort than anything else. You should make sure that when you fly you drink lots of water, and keep active. Stretch your legs every so often. You'll be fine.[/code][/quote]
Thanks, this reasured me! We booked to go to Portugal in November, BEFORE I knew I was pregnant, and we fly out on 9th March, I will be 16-17 weeks by then....all I keep think is thank gawd, we changed our minds at the last we had originaly gone up to book it for July!!! LOL!
I've just had to cancel a flight to NYC which I was supposed to be on next week. I will be 10 weeks when we were due to go. I checked if I could fly with the doc, nurses and midwife before booking as I had to have IUI and they said that there is always a risk as with anything in life but should be fine. I've had a lot of bleeding since 4 weeks (9weeks now) and an emergency scan which showed active bleeding (baby is fine) and was advised at that time that I shouldn't fly until I was 16 weeks as the air cabin pressures can make the bleeding worse.

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