Flat head syndrome!


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2006
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Anyone else worried about their baby's getting this? :think:

My friend and my cousin have both recently had babies and both of them have developed this condition called 'flat head syndrome'.

My friend's baby has this. Unfortunaltey it's quite bad for him and he has to wear a helmet to encourage his head to grow "rounder". He looks so cute in it! Breaks my friend's heart though...

I guess it's better to be safe re: cot death than ensure a perfect head shape....
oh great another thing to worry about - bad enough hoping they don't come out like a cone head! :shock:
'Apparently' the helmets do absolutely nothing to help, the childs head will naturally round out when they are more mobile in bed and can turn different ways.

Not that I'm saying that'sit's definately true, it's just what I've been told. I'm lucky Damien never got a flat head, but he did sleep on his front.
My baby has a flat head on one side :(

I'm hoping it will correct itself once he starts to sit up more and more but there's not a lot you can do to avoid it. I didn't want to put him on his front to sleep because of the chance of cot death.

There's mixed views about those helmet things.

It's strange how some babies are more prone to it than others even when most babies are put to sleep on their backs.
my little boy josh who is now nearly 5 had this, when he had his 3 month injection the doctor picked upon his head shape & referred him for an x ray, apparantly it can be an indication of a skull abnormality :shock: & it puts pressure on the brain.

had x rays & a few weeks of sheer terror & everything was fine. it was just down to sleeping on his back. in the end his head is a perfect shape. :D

you're right though another thing for us mummies to worry about.
Bagpuss17 said:
I didn't want to put him on his front to sleep because of the chance of cot death.

I think the only reason I felt comfortable doing this is because Damien has an apnoea alarm which goes off if he stops breathing, so I don't have that worry of not cathing him stopping breathing as much. It's not recommended that they sleep on their fronts otherwise though.
That's reassuring to know that your sons head corrected itself in the end. How old was he would you say when it appeared rounded again?

I mentioned it to my GP at his 8 week check but she just told me what I had already read i.e. that it would correct it self.

I keep trying to reposition him whilst he's asleep but then he'll turn his head back to the flattened side during the night.
i did read that you can lie babies on their side and roll a blanket up and put behind him to keep him in place.

maybe this would help - i'm not sure. :think:

maybe there's always gonna be something to worry about from now on? :roll:
It can also be caused by torticollis which is a condition that causes one side of the neck musles to tighten meaning that your baby will only sleep on one side of their head. Ella had this and developed plagiocephaly which is flat head syndrome on one side of the head. My HV kept saying that the flatness would sort itself out and never actually noticed the torticollis, that was down to a private chiropractor that we took Ella to see. Eventually we saw people through the NHS that recognised the problem and after a stressful Xray and ultrasound (you try holding a 5 month old in place to have it done, it broke my heart) we got to see a wonderful physio and have finally sorted out her tort pretty well.

The flatness also causes facial deformation as the flat side of the head forces the cheek out, making the face look swollen on one side and the eyes look uneven.

If the physio hadn't of worked and Ella's face was still distorted now after she's started moving around more then I would have got her the helmet privately. They've worked for a lot of people and if you're in the situation that your child may get bullied then you do anything to help them.

What makes me feel ill is that mothers have been putting their childrens lives at risk by lying them down on their fronts to try to avoid their baby getting a flat head. :x

Another cause of flat head syndrome is spending long amounts on time in car seats and prams.

There are exercises that you can do to help loosen tight neck muscles, I will be doing those from birth with my next baby just incase. I wouldn't want them to go through what Ella went through.
thanks for that Kina.

so glad to hear that Ella's alright now. it must have been so scary for you. :hug:

I'd love to know what those exercises are - just incase.

Jaycee had a flat head on her left side, i took her to docs and they said it was totally normal and it would round out. she always slept on one side no matter what lol! Shes better now. It was majorly dipped but othing affected her face! Ive never heard of that.
Years ago every mother put their babies on their front to sleep, im sure not just cause of the flat head thing. If it was good enough for our mothers...
plus they do monitors for breathing, which me and sami have and they do matresses with breathe holes in the top end for babies sleeping on their fronts. I see nothing wrong with either way for babies to sleep. Jaycee slept on her back til she could roll over. Every time i put her on her back, she rolled straight onto her front and stayed like it all night!
Just felt her head and finally its about the right shape lol. Its horrible trying to put up her hair when it was slanted. I hated it! It was bad! But it did round out and she has had no facial problems or even been to the docs or anything!

I think if u let baby sleep on its front every now and then, its harmless! Cot death isnt entirely put dwn to sleeping on their front. If a baby is sick and front down then yes, it can be tragic, but i dont think its wrong to put them on their fronts if its more comfy.
Thanks for that Kina, that's really interesting. Is her head rounded now?

I don't know what to do for the best now. I might see what I can do using my private health insurance just to get it checked out.

Isaac was born prematurely so all he did for the first few weeks was sleep, I wonder if this has added to his problem. I don't like him lying down on his back for any great length of time but he's still not strong enough to hold his neck up so we're limited in terms of other positions he can go in.

As for putting baby to sleep on their backs/fronts - that's another debate isn't it. Us Mums can only do what we feel is right for our babies and it's down to personal choice. What works for one Mum might not work for another.
I have heard that the risk of 'Flat head syndrome' increases with prem babies Bagpuss.

I have seen a pillow that is supposed to help prevent and re-round babies heads, it's in one of my catalogues at home. i'll have a look at the name of the place when i get home from work tonight and post it tomorrow if you like.

not sure if it works or not but maybe worth a go. don't think it's very expensive.

They do the matresses with holes in the top which may help ease ur mind. Im sure it will round out ok, i was so worried with Jaycee! Bt when she started rolling and lifting her head up it got better. Give it time, theres no need to worry and do hospital trips when babys head is soft enough to round out on its own. Too much stress hun.
It will be ok, if it doesnt round out by age 1, then see a doc to see if its forming ok. Jaycees nearly 3 and its not fully round but its a great improvement!
Bob said:
I have heard that the risk of 'Flat head syndrome' increases with prem babies Bagpuss.

I have seen a pillow that is supposed to help prevent and re-round babies heads, it's in one of my catalogues at home. i'll have a look at the name of the place when i get home from work tonight and post it tomorrow if you like.

not sure if it works or not but maybe worth a go. don't think it's very expensive.


Oooh sounds good! i might have a butch, this next one might be like jaycee. Its worth a try!
That's actually reassuring Jayceesmumma.

My friend's baby is 1 now and his head is still really flat, maybe there's still time for him then.

it is so worrying though.
Bob said:
That's actually reassuring Jayceesmumma.

My friend's baby is 1 now and his head is still really flat, maybe there's still time for him then.

it is so worrying though.
Definitly, the head is still soft enough to round out! Its very worrying! Just have to wait and see. It should round out okay in time. Jaycee has still slightly got it, but she looks more 'normal' now.

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