First real tantrum!


Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2009
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Blimey, I think we've just had our first proper tantrum lol!

I told LO we were going to change his nappy because he'd done a poo, and as usual he ran away (he always runs away laughing). He was about 5ft away from me, I was sitting on the floor with his changing mat laid out in front of me and I said come on then! He shook his head and said no. I kept asking and it progressed to him shaking his head really hard and shouting 'noooooooo!!!'. He then proceeded to pick up one of his puzzles, threw every piece at me as hard as he could then lay down and starting banging his head on the floor. All the while screaming 'nooooooo!!!'.

I just sat there and didn't respond. A minute or so later he calmed down, came and gave me a hug and a kiss then sat down on his mat.

Little devil!
wow what I've got to look forward too. Bless I bet the buddle was nice tho x
Blimey, I think we've just had our first proper tantrum lol!

I told LO we were going to change his nappy because he'd done a poo, and as usual he ran away (he always runs away laughing). He was about 5ft away from me, I was sitting on the floor with his changing mat laid out in front of me and I said come on then! He shook his head and said no. I kept asking and it progressed to him shaking his head really hard and shouting 'noooooooo!!!'. He then proceeded to pick up one of his puzzles, threw every piece at me as hard as he could then lay down and starting banging his head on the floor. All the while screaming 'nooooooo!!!'.

I just sat there and didn't respond. A minute or so later he calmed down, came and gave me a hug and a kiss then sat down on his mat.

Little devil!

:lol: love it!
I think when Oz has proper tantrums they are going to be monumental coz he's only 10 months and has tantrums already lol. He throws things down in anger, deliberately and the other day was in town and he wanted another snack (he'd already destroyed 2 in a foul mood so i wouldn't let him have another) and he screamed, intermittent screaming waiting to see if I'd give in. Everyone stared, which just pissed me off coz he's a baby ffs what could I do lol

OMG I gave birth to a diva lol
Charley's started tantruming but only when I change his nappies. He throws himself backwards while having a proper moan!!
Little devils!!

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