first midwife app


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2011
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just had mine and she was nice enough, gave me loads of paper, weighed me and took my height, told me my bmi was 40 (no surprise there), took my bp which was fine and tried to take my blood but couldnt find any in the 1 attempt so is doing that next time on 1st of sept. now just gotta pass time til my scan on the 30th of august!
cant bloody wait!

on a side note she touched me a couple of times, i think trying to be friendly/reassuring but i hate being touched by strangers. i wanna say not to but i also dont wanna be rude and obnoxious for no reason lol.
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Glad it all went well , Other than the touchin although ya prob need to get used to that i hear all sorts of poking ang proding will go on for the next 7 months ish

How have you been feeling iv not been on in a while?
ive just come back from a music festival so im tired and achey, nausea is plagueing me if i dont eat enough or often enough lol. ive just been shopping and bought a ton of fruit and set myself up a fruit bowl on the living room table so i can snack away. fox's ginger cream biscuits saved my life on sunday at the festival cos i was retching fairly often on saturday and felt miserable but sunday was fine with the biccies. oh and lemon and ginger tea with extra fresh ginger is foul and disgusting lol.

i can stand the poking n prodding i guess, just one of my perculiarities that i dont like ppl touching me i guess lol.
where you been hugsy? how are you?
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Wow you have been busy, can i have some of your motivation please lol

Ah iv just been feeling too pants to type anything or read posts, been vomiting up everything i put in me, Even a hand full of strawberrys only stayed down 20 mins, Just wearing me out

Still feeling awful today but only vomited a bit so hopefully i was just having a off week and will go back to just nausea and bit of puking or idealy it will all go away hehehe

Counting the days till my scann on the 31st, il be 13 weeks im just not moving my ticker till I get a definite date confirmed. But They fecked up so I have my 12 scann week and 16 week consultaion on the same day so kinda anoyed cos then I have nothing till my 20 week on the 13th or october

so you buy much baby stuff?
so far no, i got some dummys, a travel system for 25 quid off ebay cos it was a bargain and a cute lil onesie from the festival. dont wanna buy much til i see babs in all its glory alive and well.
oh dear poor you, sounds naff. ive not actually chucked up yet really, just retch a lot randomly if i havent eaten enough. i hate having to eat so often, and not being able to eat the whole meal is a pain too. i spent 10 quid at the festival to have noodles, chicken and prawn crackers and couldnt fit most of the noodles or crackers. major letdown lol
how was bloodstock!!!!! i wish i went hven't been since 2008 bummerrrrrr
oh girls ya makin me feel so old cant tell ya what year i was last at a festival prob 2005 or maybe 4 :-( yikes im a granny , a horrible vomiting granny
it was good, not s awesome as it could have been tho, being pg put a dampner on the fun bits.
hey bev glad things went well at midwife mine is lovely too thats it now til sept 12th gotta keep busssssssssy!! when did u start going sick?! gonna have to stock up on the ginger biscuits!

I love festivals, this yr will be the first year i didnt do wakestock, Vfest or see any gigs!! I really wana see 30 secs to mars, u2 and metallica!!! :)
Don't worry bout a high bmi mine was 37 yesterday tho have to say ur pic makes u look very slim are u sure u are that high a.bmi?! Lol sickness is the worst I thought mine had let up 2 days back but today sick twice not so fun! Xx
lol apple, i started getting nausea a couple of weeks ago, only its getting a lil worse some days. still not actually throwing up just retching lots and at random moments. love the ginger crunch creams but ginger tea with fresh ginger in it is horrid without sugar or honey.
i got my scan coming up on the 30th and my next mw app is the 1st so not too long to wait. back to work tomorrow and im so tired i wanna chrash out for days lol.

K8 im round 20 stone and almost 6ft tall, my bones are huge too so while i do have a fair bit of excess flab i dont look quite as fat as my bmi/weight says i should, also that pic is about 2 years old so i got a lil chubbier since lol, i avoid cameras, let me see if i can find a recent one...
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found a recent pic and made it my avatar.
Thank god it isn't just me riding the sickness wave at the moment!!! I threw my coco pops up this morning - major disappointment!! Have felt like crap the last 4 days. Bought some of those wristbands for sea sickness and they seems to be working at the moment. Also bought a crate of non-alcoholic ginger beer although this isn't working as well as I hoped (it is nice though!!).

Bev I am also worried about a telling off about my weight at the midwife appointment. Were they ok about it or did they try and tell you off??!!
nah she was fine about it, actually said shes not really worried about it, could be cos i dont actually look that big, everyone underestimates my weight, im almost 6ft tall and have massive bones in my wrists and ankles so im made to be big anyway. she was actually telling me no i couldnt be about 20 stone before she weighed me lol.

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