First few days after birth...


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Oct 17, 2018
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So this is my first pregnancy and although I've read a lot about labour and what happens after... someone today was telling me that in the first day or two you will be needing to change your underwear / pads every 15 minutes?! I realise there will be a lot of bleeding, but if you're filling a big maternity pad in 15 minutes isn't that a bit excessive? I know everyone is different, but anyone want to clarify / share their experience on this? Just want to be prepared if that really is the case!
That is definitely not my experience!! We had a pretty hideous forceps delivery with a postpartum haemhorrage so I was kept in to monitor bleeding and it was still nothing like that for me. I would say it was about a medium flow period on the worst days so I changed pads for hygiene rather than because they were too full if that makes sense. I don' think I ever leaked out of a pad. I was also told I'd need loads of big knickers and thick pads and be prepared to throw underwear away. No knickers were lost in my case!! I was perfectly comfortable in the slim pads and my usual knickers. Big ones would have probably been useful for c-section. I did bleed for about 6 weeks in total which is longer than average but it was just spotting in the later weeks. Obviously just my experience but hope that helps!

One thing I would recommend is a nursing pillow. I am breastfeeding but even if you're not planning to, it was fab for sitting on while you're lady parts are rather delicate!! Assuming vaginal delivery of course but I guess it could be good for c-section ladies to shield a scar too.
Thanks MoominGirl! I have read that it is like a heavy period, but this girl was just making it out like I would be living in the bathroom changing doubled-up pads and underwear literally every 15 minutes! I thought that sounded like a lot blood to be losing and couldn't possibly be safe.

On the other hand, this girl is also planning to go to a friends birthday weekend away when her baby will be max 2 weeks, leaving the baby at home. She is also packing fake tan and cute summer dresses in her hospital bag. Not sure when she will have time for putting on fake tan when she is busy changing her pad every 15 minute, but anyway I probably shouldn't really pay much attention to her advice!

I am planning on breastfeeding if I can yes, so hopefully will get a nursing pillow anyway but would never have thought of sitting on it for comfort down there!
I don’t know about every 15 minutes but I’d say I definitely wasn’t prepared for how much you bleed afterwards. I’ve always said everyone always talks about the birth & the babies first few weeks but no one ever tells you how you’ll be feeling. After my first my whole body ached for a week afterwards. I felt like I’d done a month long work out at the gym & muscles I didn’t even know I had ached! I walked like a 90 year old, I was scared to poo or sneeze. It hurt to laugh. I really didn’t expect any of it. I did use the large pads & I’d say for the first couple days I’d change mine every hour or 2, purely because I hated sitting in a pool of my own blood. I hate pads in general but you have no choice but to use them after birth. I was also shocked how long the bleeding went on for. I think mine lasted for about 4 weeks. The first week very heavy & then it gradually got lighter & lighter. Sometimes I thought it had ended & then it’d be heavier the next day again. I think the blood loss is different for everyone. Just the same as everyone’s labour / baby is different so it’s hard to judge what yours will be like. I deff advise on stocking up on the big pads though, that’s the last thing you’d want to run out of a couple days after birth. I wouldn’t worry about any of it though. It’s all just part of the process :)
I don’t know about every 15 minutes but I’d say I definitely wasn’t prepared for how much you bleed afterwards. I’ve always said everyone always talks about the birth & the babies first few weeks but no one ever tells you how you’ll be feeling. After my first my whole body ached for a week afterwards. I felt like I’d done a month long work out at the gym & muscles I didn’t even know I had ached! I walked like a 90 year old, I was scared to poo or sneeze. It hurt to laugh. I really didn’t expect any of it. I did use the large pads & I’d say for the first couple days I’d change mine every hour or 2, purely because I hated sitting in a pool of my own blood. I hate pads in general but you have no choice but to use them after birth. I was also shocked how long the bleeding went on for. I think mine lasted for about 4 weeks. The first week very heavy & then it gradually got lighter & lighter. Sometimes I thought it had ended & then it’d be heavier the next day again. I think the blood loss is different for everyone. Just the same as everyone’s labour / baby is different so it’s hard to judge what yours will be like. I deff advise on stocking up on the big pads though, that’s the last thing you’d want to run out of a couple days after birth. I wouldn’t worry about any of it though. It’s all just part of the process :)

Thanks Linnett! Good to hear the experience of other people. I'm definitely not expecting it to be a walk in the park after the birth, but just wanted to hear how it was for others I guess. Changing every hour or two seems more reasonable to me, and I'm used to pads I guess as I wear them normally during period anyway. I've heard people saying it's like being hit by a bus and recovery takes longer than you'd expect. It's understandable as our bodies will go through a lot during the birth. I will definitely stock up on the big pads though! Thank you!
Thanks Linnett! Good to hear the experience of other people. I'm definitely not expecting it to be a walk in the park after the birth, but just wanted to hear how it was for others I guess. Changing every hour or two seems more reasonable to me, and I'm used to pads I guess as I wear them normally during period anyway. I've heard people saying it's like being hit by a bus and recovery takes longer than you'd expect. It's understandable as our bodies will go through a lot during the birth. I will definitely stock up on the big pads though! Thank you!

Your more than welcome. The more you have the easier the recovery time so first time will be hard but just think if you have any more those will be a breeze :)
It's one of those things that you honestly won't know until baby is here. My first I recovered fairly quickly. My second I took ages to recover but that was due to blood loss in labour.
First week I bled heavy but not to the point of changing that much. Every 2 hours id change. After a week it was like a period.
It’s not as bad as I was told. I was expecting to bleed through a maternity pad every 2hrs for 6 weeks. It’s not like that!
I did wear adult diapers for the first 2 days after birth as there was a lot of blood. I changed them every 3hrs for hygiene, they never got full enough to leak or anything. The bleeding was like a very heavy period at first but backed off to a regular period flow after about 48hrs. That then lasted about a week. Then it was just gross discharge/a bit of spotting for another two weeks. All up it was 3.5 weeks for me. It wasn’t as bad as I expected, you’ll be ok x

If you ever need to change a pad every 15mins you’re hemorrhaging. That’s not normal AT ALL.
If I can jump in with a related random question?... Does the blood after birth smell really bad? I've heard that from someone but other people say its just like a period and as long as you change pads it doesn't smell any worse.
Can't say I noticed any different smell with either of mine. If you notice a bad smell id get checked as could be infection
If I can jump in with a related random question?... Does the blood after birth smell really bad? I've heard that from someone but other people say its just like a period and as long as you change pads it doesn't smell any worse.

I wouldn’t say it smells bad. Smells the same as normal period blood but possible a tinge strongly purely because there’s more of it.
It's one of those things that you honestly won't know until baby is here. My first I recovered fairly quickly. My second I took ages to recover but that was due to blood loss in labour.
First week I bled heavy but not to the point of changing that much. Every 2 hours id change. After a week it was like a period.

You’ve just reminded me lol I lost a lot of blood after my second too which took a good few days to stop feeling light headed but as for the aching muscles I didn’t get that with the second so that was a big positive to me. Am intrigued as to how this third one will go :)
You’ve just reminded me lol I lost a lot of blood after my second too which took a good few days to stop feeling light headed but as for the aching muscles I didn’t get that with the second so that was a big positive to me. Am intrigued as to how this third one will go :)
I'm hoping a blooming breeze haha we're seasoned pros now
I didn't notice a smell either. It was just like a really long period for me. Although it lasted longer than I expected, it didn't really bother me.
I didn't find the bleeding to be too bad and certainly no smell. I would definitely advise to go with maternity pads as opposed to regular period pads as they can catch if you have stitches. The overall physical discomfort was definitely more of a shock for me - I just couldn't believe how much I hurt all over, for 2 weeks I couldn't sit so it was so difficult to find a comfortable position to feed, which also really hurt so I felt like my while body was in pain! After 2 weeks I just woke up one day feeling much better but just don't focus on just getting through the birth - the first 2 weeks after, with a newborn is really tough! Xx
Definitely didn't have to change pads that often! Yes the bleeding it heavy to start with, there's all sorts of fluids etc and need to change more frequent than a heavy period but that's all. For me the bleeding stopped a few days afterwards and was more like a discharge for a week or so afterwards. Others have mentioned odour, I definitely had that and describe it as that old blood as you end a period, but it was stronger. Its completely normal, I definitely did not have any infection and it soon passed. Obviously go by your judgement and do go get checked if you do think there is infection!
When it was heavy the incontinence pants with a pad inside worked absolute wonders both at night and to stop any leaking through the day for check ups etc, so would highly recommend those!
It is very sore down there (I didn't have stitches) so walking and sitting can be a little tricky for that first week or so.
When healing you can also itch, so it was really helpful and nice to just sit on a towel and let everything down there air out after showering etc.
Going for a wee stings and for many the first no. 2 can be tricky although I never had that issue personally, possibly as I didn't have stitches.
The worst is over with within the first few days - a week or so :) to be honest none of it was as bad as I expected!
I think I bled for about a week, the first day was like a heavy flow but then it became less and less intense.
I was a bit unlucky in the bladder department though. I had a collapsed bladder due to the birth and I was incontinent for a good 2 weeks. My bladder felt a bit insensitive too, like I wouldn't notice when it was full. I wouldn't wish it on anyone honestly. I felt very ashamed.
Hope you have a easy and fast labour hun, don't worry about the bleeding!x
If I can jump in with a related random question?... Does the blood after birth smell really bad? I've heard that from someone but other people say its just like a period and as long as you change pads it doesn't smell any worse.

The blood doesn’t smell but the after birth discharge that starts when the blood stops can be a bit ripe.
The blood doesn’t smell but the after birth discharge that starts when the blood stops can be a bit ripe.
How long does that last for? Why does no one tell us these things? I'm surprised how little we are taught in sex Ed!
How long does that last for? Why does no one tell us these things? I'm surprised how little we are taught in sex Ed!

About two weeks. They say you bleed for 6 weeks but for most women that’s not true. You go through 3 stages of postpartum bleeding. Stage 1 is bright red very heavy bleeding that usually lasts a few days to a week. Then it’s lighter blood like a period for another week or two, gradually getting lighter. Then it’s this white/yellowish discharge for 1-3 weeks. It has a distinct, unpleasant odour haha.

If you ever overdo it while healing you’ll notice the bleeding picks up a lot so don’t try and do much walking/cleaning in those first two weeks. :)

No one told me any of this either so I was shocked when I stopped bleeding at 12 days but had this manky discharge for another 10 days. Thought I had an infection or something, but no. I don’t know why no one talks about it! A quick google of postpartum bleeding tells us it’s what you should expect... I just expected to have a 6 week period. Nope.
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