Fiona is back where she belongs


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2007
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Fiona is home.. just wanted to let you know, she didnt disharge herself, docters have given her strict orders to get back if she is at all worried about anything

thanks to everyone who gave her wishes and sent there love

I said i wouldnt post but thought you would all like to know she is home and safe and baby is still inside cooking as she says

so here goes to 17th july when he will be born lets keep our fingers crossed he stays there till then.

thanks everyone again
so pleased shes home where she can relax and rest, now you make sure she does absolutely nothing for the next few weeks :lol:

All the best to you both, and bubs of course :hug:
just kicked him off, and he moans im here all the time, i think he loves this forum as much as me..

thanks everyone :hug:
Sure you're both much more relaxed now she's home - so take care and hope LO decides to sit still for a little while :D
Good to read you are home Fiona. :hug: I hope things go a bit smoother for you (and LO) from now on. :)
nice to hear you're home fiona! now feet up!!! let him run around after you :lol:
Thanks girls, yes my orders are to keep it easy this weekend, i have no children they have gone camping.. so guess what im doing tommorrow

staying in bed all day :rotfl:
good! make sure you do! you never know if ill come peeping!! :lol:
Its great to see your home hun take care of yourself and make sure you take it very very easy enjoy your day in bed. :D
Glad to see your home and ok hun, i texted you the other day hope you got it... I have everything crossed that bailey stays put now till July and you both are well :hug:
Paula+bump said:
Glad to see your home and ok hun, i texted you the other day hope you got it... I have everything crossed that bailey stays put now till July and you both are well :hug:

No hun i didnt get no text.. i would have replied .. hm wonder where that is then.. thank you anyway yes i hope he stays put too :hug:
Sooooooooo glad to see you are home and little one is still "cooking", take lots of care, and enjoy the TLC your hubbie and family are giving you - dont do ANYTHING you shouldnt!
:hug: :hug: :hug:
sunshinestars said:
Paula+bump said:
Glad to see your home and ok hun, i texted you the other day hope you got it... I have everything crossed that bailey stays put now till July and you both are well :hug:

No hun i didnt get no text.. i would have replied .. hm wonder where that is then.. thank you anyway yes i hope he stays put too :hug:

Bugger i defo sent it just checked and it is in my sent folder :think: Anyway main thing is you are out and better :hug:

Hope all is a bit easier now for you and no more problems , just take it nice and easy hunni ... :hug: Will PM you a bit later xx

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