Finn at 7 months


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2007
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We went to France last week.

Holding his foot on the slide :rotfl: My Mum trying to show him how to use the stuff in the playgroung!

In the swimming pool at the appartments (it was a tad chilly!)

Cool dude with his dad.

Our appartment (ours was in the darker blue bit on the right hand side, one the 1st floor - you can see our balcony through the boats)

A few from today - Munching on the wing from his butterfly mobile (it's now got no wings!) It was roasting here so he's got some frozen mango in his net thing & he tried on his new sandals but they were quite stiff even though they're baby shoes. Oooh and guess what? We have one tooth!!!

midna said:
7 months shockin isnt it lol ..looking as gorgeous as always xx

Any pegs yet ? and hows weaning going ? xx

Yep got his 1st one through at the end of May! Front bottom! He's so funny! he chews everything - even yoghurt! No longer "weaning" :rotfl: He will eat anything!

He's got a birthday party to go to on Saturday!!! One of his little friends has invited him to his 1st birthday party1
He's lovely :D

I can't believe he is 7 months already!

I remember when you posted on the forum when you had him :shock:
wow thats gone so fast!
hes a real cutie! looks like you had a great time!
Gee as everyone has said; that has gone fast :shock:

He is absolutely gorgeous :D

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