

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
Reaction score
Ive worked out how to change the colour of the writing and font size on here lol
i knew id work it out in the end
Im so dumb sometimes as it was so easy

aww bless.

i still can't suss out how to add a link to my own text (where people write 'click here' and it opens up their link) :oops: :shhh:
I don't know how to quote more than one person on my posts. If I want to quote more than one person I have to make more than one post and quote each person individually :oops:
Sam&Alice said:
i still can't suss out how to add a link to my own text (where people write 'click here' and it opens up their link) :oops: :shhh:

Hey Sam,

This is how:-

Here is my new stroller - [ url= ]clicky [/url]

without the spaces, looks like this:-

Here is my new stroller - clicky

So its [ url=add weblink here ]then put word like 'click here' or website name etc here [/url] (no spaces though)

Hope this helps.

Valentine Xxx

wo hoo!! thanks huni!!!

lou, there is a quote button. i copy and paste what people have put and put it as a quote: (shown with spaces)

[ quote="Sam&Alice"]
test [/quote ]


[ quote="valentine"]
Hey Sam,
[/quote ]


it looks like this:

Sam&Alice said:


valentine said:

Sorry I still can't work it out :oops:
:dance: Well done!!!

Redshoes taught me to do double quotes and did my ticker, DH showed me how to change the size and colouring and I still don't know how to do the clicky links, even with the help up there off Valentine :oops:

Oh and Kimbo showed me how to post pictures.

I#m such a dummy :oops:
Right girls, I'll try and explain again - its really really easy.

So you put in this text:-

then you put in your link, for example


then you put in a close square bracket, like this:-


then you put in your text of what you want the link to say, for example

Alcohol ban advised during pregnancy say BBC News

then you put this text:-


So that all together should look like this (without spaces if you are doing it properly):- [/color]]Alcohol ban advised during pregnancy say BBC News

Without spaces, it looks like this:-

Alcohol ban advised during pregnancy say BBC News

I hope that helps!

Valentine Xxx
I'm so nosey so had to click the links you girls had managed to do.. those birds are pretty Emma28 :lol:
i just had to butt in here sorry... with the changing size and color of text- why when i try clicking it does it all come up together like this [ color=red ][ /color ] and my text is outside it all instead of between the ] and the [ ? why cant i just click on font colour and the whole text i typed just come out that colour? :wall: :doh:
try highlighting the text and then changing the colour etc...

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