Finally the birth story - induction early!


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2013
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So sorry it's been months everything has been a whirl wind I'll do it best I can remember

Before induction
I had been getting period pains on and off but a lot of reduced movements
The week I was inducted there was a lot of reduced movement finally picked up on the ctg this was happening to the point midwives started turning me moving baby and giving me iced drinks every appointment
I was given a sweep and sent home the Monday
Thursday I was back with the same thing picked up and the consultant was beeped and I was told she wasn't happy with his movements anymore and I was to be Induced on the next available induction which was Saturday 12pm
I was given another sweep and told if baby stopped again I'd have to go in

The second sweep although painful kick started some contractions on An off and I was told I was 1cm dialated but my cervix was hard and long
That evening my mucus plug started to come away exactly how people describe snotty and gooy with blood
Friday I was shattered and slept a lot and had on an off contractions and stayed on the ball

Saturday dinner - his dad showed up (as most know we weren't together anymore and was messy to be honest )
Pessery inserted at dinner time which I can say burnt like hell as she gave me another sweep so my third :( still 1cm and it didn't do anything but cause period pain I was constantly monitored every hour as baby wasn't moving so well again. Through the night his dad and my sister left and I had such bad period pains and back ache I was crying. Contractions where showing quite strong over 170 on ctg , I couldn't sleep due to the pain and was told to have a bath which an hour later made it worse. My finest hour the nurse walked in and I was slumped over the bed 4am with pains and crying she checked me over and I was still 1cm to which I cried even more as I thought I was stronger but to be honest I think I just needed a cuddle. She gave me a shot of diamorphine and I fell asleep for three hours. I was woken up to go back on the monitor I had my breakfast and then said to the nurse I didn't feel well - cue massive throw up all over myself and the bed.
By 11am I was still being monitored every half an hour. Baby had fully stopped and I hadn't felt him move hence why I was being monitored constantly. The consultant was beeped and the nurse stayed with me as she was concerned about his heart rate this time.

The consultant came down and said I had to have something to eat and drink and move position if baby hadn't moved in 20 minutes I would be taken for emergency delivery (thus point I rang his dad and said he needed to get over and my sister) he arrived first followed by my sister.
The ctg improved and she said she would come back after 1pm she arrived back at 3pm pessery had been in 26 hours and my foo was on fire but all pains had stopped and no contractions on the ctg anymore which left me feeling so angry I said I was going home ( rediculous I know) too our suprise she said I was a very good 2cm soft and short and she could feel his head and waters. The pessery was removed I then had to wait for a bed on delivery to break my waters.

Midnight Sunday!!! Myself his dad and my sister where in the relaxing room and I had a codeine as I wasn't allowed on the ward with visitors and didn't want them to leave incase I had to go

Finally a bed after 9 hours after the pessery was removed non of us had slept was time for delivery suite.

I went up placed on monitor no contractions joy...I had the drip in the back of my hand and it took her 15 mins to break my waters to which I couldn't stop laughing because I was wetting everywhere like a river even midwife was lAughing haha

30 minutes later I wondered what I had done as the pitocin drip had kicked in and the contractions where regular and painful I couldn't sit still this was about 1am
I was given gas and air and was trying to work around the bed space as I had the drip in ... I was so frustrated and couldn't stop swearing between the gas ans air ... I was on the ball for around five mins then climbed on the bed with my arse in the air ... both birthing partners where staring at me like I had lost my mind lol
I cried a lot .... they gave me a shot of diamorphine which did bugger all except make me lose any concept of time .... so then all I remember was crying with pain uncontrollably and the midwife was told if she turned the drip up anymore she would have no fingers left ...
I was checked and told I was 5.5cm!! To which I asked for an epi.

It felt like a life time waiting and the midwife was called a liar but had only been twenty mins lol 😂 sorry Kate. This is the point I lost my mind as the fear took over and I had mt sister behind me a midwife and dad Infront holding me down whilst I was yelling I couldn't breath as the pain was so intense then the next the room seemed full of people, the consultant gave me a stern word and said if I wanted the epi I had to stay still as she had been trying for ages but the back contractions where so intense I felt like my back was snapped in half with every contraction. They finally got it in as I sobbed and sucked on the gas and air for dear life.
Next I remember waking up like five hours later shaking like mad and the midwife said she was going to check me and I was 10cm dialated! It was 6am and I was told to start pushing the atmosphere had gone really calm and the consultant came back asking if I needed assistance to whichever both midwifed told him to literally bugger off ahaha
I could literally see my contractions but not feel them so weird they put the radio on for me and after pushing for ages and told I had twenty minutes to have him myself a shame he was distressed and showing signs of infection... I had to have an episiotomy which required three layers of stitches, Archie was finally born Monday at 07.55 at 38+6 weighing 7 pound 13
Labour was altogether 46 hours
Awwww so happy to see this I've been wondering how you were!
46 trooper! Sounds like you did amazingly well. Hope Archie is doing well? :)
The drip is evil isn't it!!! That part of your birth story was exactly like mine haha I got off the bed on the ball and then ended up on the bed on all fours, you just get so desperate to find a position to relieve the pain don't you but can't..staying still for the epi was torture!
So happy for you xx

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After wards was horrific with blood loss and anemia I nearly needed a tranfusion I was on injections for ten days as a blood thinner I was exhausted, my stitches got infected and broke down so needed two anti biotics :( so poorly but we are doing amazing Archie's already in 6-9 month clothes and we are settled in our house :) he's such a greedy boy!
How are you Millie? Xxx
Oh bless you you mustof been exhausted!
Aw lil chunk haha Imogen is the same lol shes going into 9-12 now. We're good thanks! Been ntnp number 2 but starting more full on ttc this month xx

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Oh I would love another but uni commitments from September it's now or never :(
Are you excited?? How did your body adjust after ? Consultant said it's abit of a miracle in the first place my cervix is really far back and at a funny steep angle so may just be the one for me xxx
Aww is it, maybe birth could of brought it down? Is that possible lol.
My cycles have been pretty regular since Imogen touchwood! like 28-32 days long. Which is amazing..they used to be everywhere! And most where 17 days long without taking soya isoflavones. Have you got af back ?xxx

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I messaged you but not sure if it sent lol!xx

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