Finally brave enough to post!


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Nov 16, 2011
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Hi everyone

I come here to read other peoples posts all the time, but after yet another pregnant dream and waking up feeling empty I have decided its finally time to get brave and introduce myself!!

Basically I can't ever remember not wanting children! From the age of 17 I have been desperate to even just be pregnant and now at 25 I feel like I have literally been waiting forever!!

Luckily I am finally getting married to my gorgeous fiance next year after 6 years together and we have a ttc date this time next year nov 2012 after our wedding. I have a few friends who have very recently begun to feel broody so I feel lucky that I have at least a date in mind! (i have already worked out which dates in nov dec 2012 and onwards and sent these to my fiance!)

I still feel a horrible emptyness when i wake up from dreams of being pregnant and constantly feel like I hve a huge part of me missing! I also have an overwhelming fear something terrible will happen now that I am finally going o get a chance to be pregnant soon(ish). I constantly worry my fiance will die in some awful accident everytime he leaves me! I was also diagnosed with endometriosis at 19 and had a laparoscopy to laser it off my left fallopian tube. At the time I was 19 and ha a dr tell me not to wait to long to try. Luckily i had a mild case which hasnt reoccured. However I am very aware of the scarring on my left tube and my increased chance of an ectopic pregnancy. So I also worry about my fertility just top it all off.

So I have been trying to keep myself busyplanning the wedding but still find it so hard its such a shame theres no cure for broodiness!! I am constantly daydreaming about all the lovely things to do with pregnancy and my baby and drive my fiance mad daily because I cant quite believe he is starting to feel broody too!

Anyway thats me. I look forward to chatting with you ladies soon!
Hi everyone

I come here to read other peoples posts all the time, but after yet another pregnant dream and waking up feeling empty I have decided its finally time to get brave and introduce myself!!

Basically I can't ever remember not wanting children! From the age of 17 I have been desperate to even just be pregnant and now at 25 I feel like I have literally been waiting forever!!

Luckily I am finally getting married to my gorgeous fiance next year after 6 years together and we have a ttc date this time next year nov 2012 after our wedding. I have a few friends who have very recently begun to feel broody so I feel lucky that I have at least a date in mind! (i have already worked out which dates in nov dec 2012 and onwards and sent these to my fiance!)

I still feel a horrible emptyness when i wake up from dreams of being pregnant and constantly feel like I hve a huge part of me missing! I also have an overwhelming fear something terrible will happen now that I am finally going o get a chance to be pregnant soon(ish). I constantly worry my fiance will die in some awful accident everytime he leaves me! I was also diagnosed with endometriosis at 19 and had a laparoscopy to laser it off my left fallopian tube. At the time I was 19 and ha a dr tell me not to wait to long to try. Luckily i had a mild case which hasnt reoccured. However I am very aware of the scarring on my left tube and my increased chance of an ectopic pregnancy. So I also worry about my fertility just top it all off.

So I have been trying to keep myself busyplanning the wedding but still find it so hard its such a shame theres no cure for broodiness!! I am constantly daydreaming about all the lovely things to do with pregnancy and my baby and drive my fiance mad daily because I cant quite believe he is starting to feel broody too!

Anyway thats me. I look forward to chatting with you ladies soon!

Dont worry were all in the same boat here!! I hope all works out for you with your wedding, enjoy every minute of it!! Im recently married my husband has also become very broody, were trying for number 1
wow! What you wrote was so similar to my life that I actually had to skim read quite a lot of it before I wasn't convinced it wasn't a post I'd written myself!!!!!

I am 26. I wanted a baby since i was SEVENTEEN. I remember buying an 'I'm pregnant' magazine and writing my name in the little free pregnancy diary that came with it. This drove my mum mad and becuase I kept saying i am going to get pregnant she literally forced me to have the contraceptive injection. She took me to a doctor and she explained my life to the nurse doctor and how i shouldn't ave a baby now and the nurse agreed and gave me the injection while I cried saying I don't want it!

I'm now a chemistry teacher at a school and have been waiting almost 10 years for a baby. I had to go to university, then do my pgce, then I wanted to do 3 years at my first school. I'm in my third year now! finally!! Oh my god I've been counting down the days for so long. I will be ready to get pregnant in april but MY BOYFRIEND WHO IS A PENNILESS ARTIST IS NOT READY. He wants me to wait till NOVEMBER 2012 so you and I have to wait for the same amount of time.

Like you I'm constantly worried that something bad is going to happen to me and after wanting this for so long I won't get it and it will be everybody elses fault who kept saying to me wait wait wait wait.

Also the doctors think I have endometriosis but I refused a laparoscopy because I didn't want to be opened up and am scared of being put to sleep.

I am so unbelievable broody.My boyfriends sister is pregnant. In the summer we went on holiday together and it was a nightmare. I cried so much becuase I wanted to get pregnant right there and then on hliday.

It destroys my quality of life constantly wishing my life away. I feel like my life doesn't begin until I'm pregnant!

I would find it really hard to focus on planning the wedding when I'd want to be putting all time effort and money into a baby instead. but I will start planning I spose when my boyf proposes which should be in the next year.

I could write more but don't want to leave too massive a message. I just wanted to say that I completely understand basically.

Nat xx
Thanks for replies ladies just noticed them!

Nat - so weird! We will hopefully be TTC together next year. As for the endometriosis the op is very small and not having it could mean waiting ages to concieve!! I would say go for it it will help in the long run. I didn't really have a choice because it was so painful I could barely have sex at all...

Anyway lets keep in touch :)
OMG this also feels like something I ccould post myself!! I too have been wanting to have my own family since i was about 19 but last year my broodiness took on a whole new level- everywhere I looked I saw pregnant women, sales on baby stuff, baby adverts. It was intolerable!! It felt like someone had switched a button on inside my brain that I just couldn't switch off. I talked to my OH about it and we decided to start trying as soon as we get married in December 2012.

Thinking about getting pregnant/ being pregnant takes up a lot of my day to day life and I too feel like I am wishing my life away just waiting to get pregnant. I also have very vivid pregnancy/baby dreams and when i wake up from them feel that terrible emptiness when i realize it was not real so glad I'm not alone on that one!

I have already decided on how to tell my mum, when I'm going to tell work etc but i have this almost crippling fear that somethings going to be wrong with and that its not gong to happen for us. There's nothing to suggest it will and I'm getting myself as fit and ready for a baby as i can but there's always that nagging feeling.....

A girl at work announced she was pregnant pregnant just before christmas and I was devastated. Everyone I work with has joked for ages that I need to hurry up and have a baby as I'm the oldest at 25 and the only one in a LT stable relationship. When I found out I went home and cried about it for days. My OH is supportiveand tries to console me but just doesn't understand how hard it is to go in and see her everyday and listen to people talking to her about her pregancy when i just wish it was me! Hopefully this time next year I will be able to tell them it's me.

So great to feel that I am not alone (and not mad!) Gettingmarried and babycrazy26 hopefully we'll all be on this journey together :D
Thank you so much girls for your posts. It makes me feel a little less insane and I hope it all goes well for you. I too have been broody since I was 15. However have never been in a relationship good enough to start trying. I have watched every friend I have go throgh at least 2 pregnancies and can't bear to look at my phone or facebook anymore as I am so sick of pregnancy announcements. I get commets like - don't wait too long. Or - why are you sad, ou aren't even trying!! Grrrrrr. Finally after waiting 5 years husband agreed to start ttc. Then my dream job came up on my road. It is perfect. Now I am going through the difficult process ofdeciding whether to go for job but then have to etc for 6 months for maternity package. Or not go for it. But what if I don't get preggers and end up staying in tough job for years while ttc? Or just go for job and ttc?!? Thinking about it hurts. Anyway, good luck with weddings. Be lucky xx
I feel exactly the same way! I'm getting married next May after 5 1/2yrs together and there's nothing more in the world that I want more than a baby. I just want next year to hurry up so we can get married and start trying. So many of my friends are pregant or have children and it gets me down when I think why can't I do that yet so I know how you feel! I would have one tomorrow and so would my bf but our families want us to do it the 'right' way and get married first and I know we shouldn't listen to then but when I do eventually fall I want people to be happy about the news. Its nice to know that I'm not the only one that feels like that. Xx

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