I couldn't admit it for a very long time but you've done the right thing completely. I found just talking to someone about how I was feeling was great and quickly realised I wasn't the worst mother on the planet for feeling the way I did. Like August Mum said, try to find things to do, I always found I went deeper into a black hole if I had nothing planned, even silly things like today I'm walking to the post office to post a letter, just making sure that everyday has something in it. I joined lots of groups (mother and baby type things) and although to begin with I'd come home and feel miserable that everyone else was loving being a mummy and why couldn't I just be happy, I soon realised everyone had bad days but they weren't letting it get them down. It was only months later I went to the doctor and he said I'd done a great job of hiding it from people but that could have gone horribly wrong. Please please take whatever help is offered, even if it is just to talk to someone. It's horrible but it does get better, but only with support and help, please don't suffer on your own xxx