Feeling sick!!


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2005
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Today I woke up with a dodgy tummy and had to go and sit on the loo straight away (sorry TMI), I went again this afternoon and I have been feeling very sick all day, bit like morning sickness all over again.

I cooked fish, potatoes and peas for tea last night so it's very unlikely to be that, we were planning a hot curry from the indian tonight but really don't think I could stomach it - could this be a sign or am I setting in for another bug!??!
Well they do say that some women are sick during labour, I felt sick last week.....not that it did anything lol.
I think it may be a way of clearing your system out?????
Im still having number 2's 4 times a day! Sorry TMI
If it gets any worse id call your midwife hun, just to reassure you if nothing else!
Definitely sounds like your body is preparing itself - mind you i've been feeling rotten for past 2 weeks - lots of nasty bugs flying around.

Just make sure you look after yourself and keep eating and drinking in case LO makes an appearence soon!

Good luck
Juz x
Was awake till midnight last night after going to bed at 8.30pm feeling sick, woke up again at 6am and had to go to the loo again, it feels just like morning sickness all over again - it's horrible, feeling very tired and washed out today, really hope this doesn't go on for long!! Just gonna make sure I drink lots today!!!

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