Feeling Out Of Sorts..


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2010
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Hey Girls,
Never thought i would post this but it seems i have depression during this pregnancy, who would have thought it!!

I am SOOOO Moody it is unreal and snapping at my OH all the time, i think he is starting to wonder why he is with me sometimes lol.
It's like banging my head on a brick wall :wall2:

Not to mention i have a stuffy nose and can't hardly breathe. UGH!!!!!!

I have no other symptoms other than just feeling off, it's hard to discribe like a dizzy not quite here feeling lol. And just above my pubic bone has gone rock solid.. And sometimes get feelings AF is coming.
Any one else got this? Or am i going slighty mad? xx
Hi hunny, yep I had all these, still do to some extent. Hormones making me mood go up and down, often feel dizzy, esp if I've been standing for a bit, always have a stuffy nose in the morning and have even had some nose bleeds and when I was at your stage def had some wierd feelings in there like af was coming. Don't worry xx
Hey hun aww :hugs: sorry you're feeling pooey.
I have felt dizzy, a bit down and scared, and also AF type cramps. I also have a weird dull pokey pain to the left of my belly button which I wish would go away.
You're not going mad - our bodies are doing amazing things and we have to give them some space to do them. So hard when you worry though isnt it!

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