Feeling needy...


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2011
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Hubby is away tonight helping a mate move. I feel really lonely and in need of a cuddle. Normally I like having a night to myself, but I just feel teary tonight. Has anyone else felt like this?xx
Oh bless you :(, normally for me having the oh at home makes me depressed lol (joking). Online retail therapy might help xxxxxxxxxx
Yes!!! All the time these past 2 weeks!

I think I am driving OH mad!

He works away on a regular basis and I only get to see him on weekends, this has never usually bothered me as I actually enjoyed the peace and quiet and freedom.. Now I can feel myself getting abit needy and I am constantly wanting to ring him and text him and then when I don't hear back from him within an hour of me texting I feel myself getting mad and then having ago at him over it!

I really really am not usually like this! This is not me at all! I think its hormones.. Well I hope so lol.. I don't like relying on other people so I am not used to this needy crap!

Same here! 8 yrs of only seeing him of a weekend n usually it doesnt bother me n to b honest by sunday i'm shuing him out the door but at the moment i dont want him to go :( i must b a hormone thing! lol x
My OH is usually only here of a weekend too, and I like it purely so I can look like a slob and control the TV remote.
But lately I realllllly want a cuddle, it's so cozy here I want him, and it sounds like he wants to be here with me too. Roll on tomorrow night
Yes! My hubby went away for a weekend a few weeks ago and I was a mess! Hormones! Hugs for you to cheer you up! Xx
Im terrible at the moment, i just want to cuddle my OH constantly! Im off work ill at the moment and if hes going to finish work late i get really teary because ive been looking forward to seeing him all day (i dont do it in front of him though, lol) i feel so clingy n pathetic sometimes! gota love the hormones! Lol x
I'm glad it's not just me. Thanks girls. :hugs: to you all! Xx
yes im very clingy... if he doesn't cuddle me enough i sulk... Poor Hubby!
Am feeling a bit this way too and has been pants because I swear uncle wizard (surely there's such a thing! Lol) has paid OH a visit this week :roll: xxx


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