Feeling faint


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2005
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It's prob just me worrying too much but for the past few weeks I have been feeling faint quite often.

First I start to feel sick then my ears start to buzz and then I go really hot and light headed.

I had this a couple of times earlier in the pregnancy but just thought it was part of morning sickness but now its becoming more regular and I havent had morning sickness for weeks now.

What with this and the midwife finding protein in my urine its got me worrying incase they are connected in some way.

Has anyone else had this? Is it something to be worried about?

Rachel xx
Hi rachel

I suffered with dizzy spells all through my first 2, same as you sickness and the fuzzyness and if I wasn't carefull I would actually faint.

low blood pressure can cause this also so can low blood sugar I used to have to carry a bag of crisps or some biscuits with me everywhere.

they dizzy spells aren't normally something to worry about although they can be embarrassing, I remember one incident with my second I was in the middle of a spar shop pushing my eldest in the buggy and started getting that sicky feeling then went all blurry I sat down for a bit (in the middle of the shop) but still couldn't really see when I was standing so I had to feel round the shop for a bag of crisps and a drink, then had to queue still having to sit down every few seconds, my vision was only fuzzy so I could still see abit and people were looking at me gone out :shock: no one offered to help, anyway managed to pay for my stuff and then sat down outside and ate it all before going home lol.

As you can see your not the only one that suffers with it, but if you are still worried have chat with your midwife at your next appointment to put your mind at rest.

I suffered quite badly with this with my first. I used to actually faint all the time. At least 3 times a week!!

It was put down to low blood pressure, so I would get your midwife to check this as well.

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