feeling down!


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2015
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well i had my scan done on the 8th of jan which was originally to confirm pregnancy, got my results back on friday and now it looks like i may have pcos!! i have a cyst on my left ovary which has bled lining of womb was 10mm got a retroverted womb ( tilting backwards ) so now got to have more bloods in the morning another scan around the 22/23rd of feb another referral to gynae and more bloods when af shows last af was 13th of december which lasted for 4 days..normally around 5-7 days!! feeling pretty shit right now!! x unsure if i can have any medication as i have genetic type 2 diabetes... hoping for some positive stories!!
Aw that sucks,sorry. My little sister has a tilted womb, they only found out when she was giving birth to her first but that birth went okay and now she is pregnant with her second, so didn't seem to have much of a negative effect on her and didn't deter her from having more :hug:
ive been trying to get pregnant for almost 4 years all previous scans have all been clear had a scan in october last year which was clear apart from a fibroid in my cervix but on latest scan there was no evidence of the fibroid x
I'm not surprised you feel shitty, that must have been really upsetting especially given the scan was originally for pregnancy. I don't know anything about tilted uteruses but just wanted to say I hope something nice happens to you this week.
I have a tilted womb and two fibroids. I was advised that having sex "doggy style" and lying on my front rather than my back with a pillow under me afterwards would aid conception. I had my little girl in August :)
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sorry to hear that hun! I have a tilted womb also and have had 3 healthy little ones :) Good luck with your ttc journey I hope all your bloods come back ok xx
Hi ladies sorry not been on .had an appointment at docs yesterday for my blood test results its looking more and more like its pcos my testosterone has come back high got another scan on the 29th of Jan then I will be referred to fertility clinic keep thinking I don't wanna carry on with tests i guess i don't really wanna hear what I already know hope everyone's okay xx

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