:-( Feel sad


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2010
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Now Harlow is 12 weeks old it has dawned on me that I have only 11 weeks before I go back to work full time! I have gotten really upset as I have thought about what's going to happen and this would be our day.

OH works away so he is never home.

I get up at 06:00hours, get Harlow up at 7 still in pjamas, drive to OH's parents house which would take 20 minutes.
Drive from there to work.
Get to work at 08:30hours
Leave work at 17:00hours
Arrive to pick Harlow up (rush hour traffic) makes it 18:00 hours to get there.
Drive home and arrive at 19:00hours!

20:00 hours would be her bed time!

Where the hell do I spend time with my daughter at 6 months old!

I am so cheesed of!

Sigh! Sorry ladies, I understand it's life but I can't help but feel really depressed about it!

Oh hun :( do you have to go back full time? What about your days off? And get your holidays booked so you can plan time off with her.

Big hugs xxxxxx
That rubbish hun, can you maybe cut your hours? Do you have to go back full time? Xx
I wanted to go part time or atleast work 5 days a week but finish at 15:00 hours instead do then I can atleast spend tea time with her...OH doesn't see why I'm fussing over it. My works would be generous with my hours but OH thinks we will struggle cutting my wage down.
Wouldn't struggle if he got rid of 1 of his darn bleeding stupid cars! But the selfish *bleep* won't!!! Warning warning, Rant alert rant alert lol x
It does sound a bit pushed for time, but look on the bright side, at least you have someone who can watch LO while you go to work, i'm forced to piss about with nurseries & public transport first thing & nursery closes at a strict time, so no ley-way with that. Its so difficult. Having someone to watch LO would be an absolute blessing. But I see where your coming from, its gona be hard isn't it. Maybe extend her bedtime to 8pm & at least you have the w/ends

Sorry, but i think u should tell oh u will cuthours, stuff the money! You= will manage, its hard for us working mums though isnt it? Good luck xx :)
I know LM , I am very lucky to have a family member to have her. OH's mum and dad own a business, his mum works part time so she will be taking her to work with her some days too. Obviously they own the office so nobody can tell them they are not allowed children in! I can't complain at that! Saved a lot of money too!
Bet your nurseries fees are horrendous too!
It really doesn't change the fact I will barely see her though :(
Think I am going to get OH to sit down and try and convince him to sell one of our cars! Either that or I will just refuse to go back to work full time so he has no choice but to sell a car! Muhahaha!
What would happen if OH sells a car would that be enough money that you didn't have to work? Its horrible trying to get a work/life balance. i'd love to be able to stay at home but i cant afford it. Just try & remind yourself of all the nice things you can get LO with your money

Urmmm lol - this will shock u. One of his cars cost £700/month! That isn't even including petrol! Don't even ask how much a tank is and how often we fill the stupid thing!

I could quit my job if he got rid of it! Let alone go part time lol! X

F**king men and their cars!!!! If it's not football it's xboxs, if it's not xbox's it's cars!! Rarrrrhhhhh! X
Oops forgot to add too : yeah I too would love to be a stay at home mum too, but I do also enjoy working and having a career aswell as just a job.
Think I just want my cake and eat it too lol xxx

Thats my monthly rent!!!!

Yeah, tell him to get rid, bloody cars, I cant even tell the difference between makes or anything.

Start hammering in how depressed you'll be...worried about Harlow not seeing her mum ect ect.

Christ on a bike!!! I'm shocked
Oh bless you, i dont think i could do that, i was planning on returning to work part time . im sure after a while it will really get to you hun so i think you should get OH to sell a car!! I was so worried about somebody else being there to see her say her first word and take her first steps, that was enough to make my decision to go part time x
He claims it's his hobby!

By god i can't even think of a hobby that would cost me that much a month! My hobby is reading! It costs me £7.99 a book a month lol!

Oh bless you, i dont think i could do that, i was planning on returning to work part time . im sure after a while it will really get to you hun so i think you should get OH to sell a car!! I was so worried about somebody else being there to see her say her first word and take her first steps, that was enough to make my decision to go part time x

That's exactly my thoughts too Jo! Plus I am not a fan of how my MIL can be sometimes. Don't get me wrong she is fantastic with Harlow but she is just that laid back she doesn't rush about for her bottle when she is screaming for it, i on the other hand run about like a headless chicken, tripping over every tom, dick and harry trying to prepare it! she refuses point blank to give her her dummy, even when I insist! She will hold her of her bottle by saying " no she isn't hungry, she is just whining" When I know she is bleeding starving! Just little things like that grate on me abit.

Aw Hun.

I'm sorry your OH won't sacrifice one of his cars so you can spend more time with your little girl.

You can't get the time back and memories are priceless.

Sorry, that's probably not helping is it. If its any consolation I'm in the same boat with work, I have to go back full time cos I'm the breadwinner. It's going to break my heart but we just can't afford it :(

Sending you a big hug :hug:
My mum can be like that sometimes, I dont think they mean any harm but it's frustrating isnt it! If Ella cries and I jump up my mum will say "sit down shes alright" im her mum if i want to see to her I will!!! Do you think you could honestly only see her for an hour ish everyday just so your OH can keep a car?...I think not!! Just put an ad in the paper and sell it without him knowing haha! x
Lol ive just text him saying bye bye car! Will let u kno what he replies x
Thanks Tor :) it really does suck doesn't it!!!! When do u plan to go back?
And get you being the breadwinner! Girl power!!!!! X
I'm breadwinner too :oooo: for the moment anyway

My Grannie was the way your MIL is, so laid back. She's say....stop running to that wean the minute it starts greetin. Its gona be stuck to your hip & you'll regret it. She was 91..bless her heart.

All I can say is OMG!

Tell him to get bloody rid or earn the extra money for his expensive hobby himself, and tell him your baby is now your 'hobby' so you won't be helping to fund his by spending less time with her!

I went back full time when i had my dd and worked a long day, i used to keep her up later to see her and treasured the weekends and holidays. Im back to uni in Sept but dreading that too but at least its not working hours I guess.

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